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Rear Brake Carriers

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Hi All,


Are the rear brake carriers left/right handed, as I can't see any difference in them at all?


I do remember seeing post before, about the guide pins and which way they are meant to go but cant find it any more.


Also I am fitting new MK4 callipers as well, do I need to pre-bleed them before fitting or anything? I will be using a pressure bleeding kit to do the bleeding.


P.S. Sorry if its been posted before, but couldn't find anything

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No not handed. So long as they aren't fitted the opposite way around, it matters not if they are upside down! With the guide pins, as long as they go in without needing forgetting your good.


No pre bleed required. Pressure bleeder will sort it all out! So long as you don't use it at more than 10 or 12psi otherwise you risk damaging seals in the master cylinder.

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