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One more day of driving the Raddo!

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Hi All

Have one more day left to enjoy driving the Raddo. It is a superb car and I only hope the new owner will look after it as much as I have. I know I'm going to miss this one more than I missed my last one, Especially the seats(soooo comfy).

In my short space of ownership I have re discovered the love for Vw's forgotten coupe! It always makes my smile whenever I get behind the wheel, and my youngest, who hated it when I bought it, was almost in tears when I said that it was sold!

But due to the extra commute and no storage space(no garage and I couldn't bear to see the mileage shoot up or for it to slowly rot on the drive) the G60 is moving on to pastures new and hopefully drier!(it would thank me for that)

Anyway the new owner will probably be joining and posting pics up on here as I said you lot are a good bunch.

He had been looking for a good G60 for a while, and told me that there are a lot of rough ones out there.

Mine is by no means a show queen but it is an honest used daily example.

Thank you all for your help.



The new buyer has first dibs on the parts I have. Whatever he doesn't want/need I will post up here for sale one day next week.

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It's actually one of my mates from years back in college that's the new owner of this he drove my g60 and that was it lol we both live in the same town and I've had my g60 for four years now so it will be very well looked after I'm looking forward to having another g60 to work on and can recommend a brilliant garage I go to for work

Edited by northG60

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