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Alex P

Corrado MkII?

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Ok so I was browsing on facebook today as you do and I came across the new Audi Quattro Concept..




Is it just me or is anyone else seeing alot of Corrado styling in this?


Personally I think it looks awesome and I hope they start producing it! I would love to have one... one day... hopefully :cool:

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The side profile is remarkably Corradoish. Who knows, maybe they'll bin the UR Quattro concept and relaunch it as the new Corrado instead, but I doubt it!


The Corrado is like a thorn in VW's side. They're really couldn't care less about it.

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It would be great to see it released as a Corrado but as you say I'm not too sure of the likeliness of this but who knows. Im also intrigued to know what engine would be put in it.. It would surely have to be something with a bit of kick!

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Nice! Sounds like that could be some fun! Would have to go for a test drive.. see what it can do ;)

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This Quattro concept has been out for quite a long time. I remember we all agreeing it had a hell of a lot of Corrado about it, especially round the rear 1/3 of the car!

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