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9a Cam Cover

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Ok this may be a daft question? Do all 9A engines have cam cover gaskets? Mine needs doing but I heard someone (not on here) say recently that they could be chem sealed. Partsbase mentions a gasket and Heritage for example stock them - https://www.vwheritage.com/shop/corrado/027198025/rocker-cover-gasket-set-mk2-golf-jetta-gti-16v/?crumbStartPage=1&crumbStartRow=1


At the moment the C is my only transport so if I take it apart I want to know it's going back together on the same day!! LOL


Thanks in advance ;)


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Hello Mr. Arse. Just order that one from Heritage or similar from any other supplier and get it fitted. Nice handy job. Half an hour easy.

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Hello Mr. Arse. Just order that one from Heritage or similar from any other supplier and get it fitted. Nice handy job. Half an hour easy.


Nice one, thanks for the confirmation ;) I take it I'll need an inlet gasket too as that has to come off.

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Yes, any joints I open I would always try to replace the gasket if possible. I think I was a bit ambitious with 30 min though! More like an hour. But not a hard job. Just take your time at it.

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Thanks for that. I'm used to doing MK1 Golf cam covers that leak like a pig unless you're meticulous in doing them so will take my time with it ;)

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