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How to test isv on G60?

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Hi all,

Still having some idle trouble, and I asked if vw could order the isv and the blue dot temp potmeter, but they are not available any more...


So, does anyone know how I can test and eventually adjust these two things?

I really need the g60 to settle Down to 860rmp's Again, instead of thinking it's on rised idle at 1200 rpm's.

All hoses are tight.

Water temp is very slowly rising to 92 degrees celsius, but as soon as I drive, it falls Down to 72 degrees celsius. Fan and fan afterblow Works well and as intended.

It's using vrazy much gas on this condition, as if it thinks it have to warm up all the time.

Normally it never rises over 1000 rpm on warm up, and quickly falls Down to 860 rpm. But not for half a year now.


Please help, as I'm pretty desperate.


Kind regards,


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Water temp dropping down whilst driving then rising again when stationary is a sure sign that the thermostat has failed in the open position. Temp sensor is a good shout with regard to idle and rich running though. Get the part number off of your existing one and call VW with it. It should still be available, even if they've changed the colour.

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HI Sean, Thanks for your help.

I've bought a new thermostat inside the waterpump, and a waterpump itself.

The blue dot and other temp sensors are not available any more. The isv is also not available any more.

Do you mean that the thermostat inside the waterpump has stuck or gona lazy?

Or do you mean another thermostat?


Today I took off the isv, and soaked it in cleaner agent. Back on, cleaned contact points for wires, and took a testdrive. Still same problem. But otherwise it Works real nice. 0,85 bar and 250 on the needle. But the fueluse is really high as it still thinks it's Warming up (I think).

Usually, I run 17-21 km/L slow driving, and 14 with a heavy foot.


Kind regards,


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Surprised that the temp sensors are obsolete, thought they'd be shared by other marques as well. In that case ebay is your friend I think. Not surprised the ISV isn't available though.

Not sure where the thermostat is housed on the G60, although I'd imagine its down below the waterpump like on the 16v so yeah sounds like its gone. If you get a new one, its worth testing it before fitting as Ive had a couple of aftermarket ones that didn't work from new. Just put it in a pan of water and bring it to the boil. Should close at 87 degrees or whatever temp is marked on it.

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Hi Sean,

Do you know an easier way to get to the thermostat in the waterpump, other than draining the coolant, thking the belt tensioner off, belt off, all other belts off, all the belt Wheels off, drain servo oil, servo pump off, then get to the waterpump?

It would be REALLY nice, if there is an easier way?


Kind regards,


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I don't personally sorry mate, I have no experience with the G60. I'm sure someone will be along shortly to advise though.

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You can get at the thermostat without too much effort.


Jack car up at front (and even if it's just the right hand side).

Get underneath, remove bracket covering the waterpump.

You can now see the plastic flange held to the bottom end of the waterpump with 2 hex-bolts. Undo these, and be prepared to catch the coolant coming out of the rad!


Once the coolant is out you'll see the thermostat still stuck in the waterpump 9if it hasn't already fallen out in the previous step).


Wiggle the thermostat out and be prepared to see more coolant (this time from the block) coming your way.


Fit new thermostat (after testing), and refill the coolant.



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