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Joe M

2.0 16v Stuttering Acceleration

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Strange one, driving at low revs, put the foot down and up to about 2000 the car stutters quite badly. Above 2000 it takes off and runs fine.

Im off to try different plugs and clean the air filter, distributor but if anyone has any suggestions they would be appreciated as I have people coming to view the car within the next few days.



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Possible fuel pump,this same thing happend to my VR and found bad connections on pump ,also try new pump relay.On my mates 16valve it was a secondry fuel pump that is common to nack up ........ hope ive been some help :p


Cheers James

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Done as I said above and it now seems to be ok, hopefully it was just a dodgy plug.


James, if it was the fuel pump would the problem not be more noticable at higher revs than low down? If the problem comes back ill try changing it as I have a spare here that I bought anyway as the one on the car is fairly noisy. The reason I didnt change it before was because the pipes and stuff about it are corroded.

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Hi Joe


The problem you discribed is so identical to myne and a friends ,we thought on the same lines as yourself and explored wiring faults ,ignition,crap fuel ect but untill we tried a fuel pressure gauge on it and took it down the road the problem started and the fuel pressure droped ! went to VW to buy a lift pump and found out it was on the shelf cos they sold loads of them !!

But if you have a new one it wont hurt to try :D


Cheers James

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