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VR6 Lee

Car water coolant

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On my 95 vr6 I top it up to max and within a 10 mile blast its at minimum any ideas where the leak could be as I can see any reason why it will drop that much.


Can't see it being the heater matrix as I would expect no coolant to be in the tank at all


Any ideas much appreciated.

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Thermostat housings on vr6's a pretty rubbish and prone to leakage but should be fairly obvious if it is loosing a fair bit. If you can't see any leaking then could be the head gasket on it's way out.

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could be a number of places, ideally you want to check over the entire cooling system, rad and its connections/top elbow, water pump and plastic distribution pipe (A.K.A crack pipe ) and thermostat housing and all rubber hoses and expansion bottle & cap etc , pink staining is tell tale sign of coolant leaks, IMO if you havent had the water pump, crack pipe and thermostat housing replaced then get them done anyway as preventative maintenance, apart from the pump there plastic items and over the years with the heat become brittle and break, ticking time bomb with old vr's

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Only had a rebuilt engine 5k miles ago which it was loosing water then but that was due to the crank pipe being put in incorrect so sorted that out and was fine for a bit

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I found opening the bonnet straight after a hard drive helps spot small leaks. Use a torch to look for steam.

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I found opening the bonnet straight after a hard drive helps spot small leaks. Use a torch to look for steam.


Will do that

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