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Red McGregor

Sunroof Repair Kit

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I tell you that sunroof repair kit is one of many items, I wish I'd had the foresight to stockpile before VW obsoleted them! :( So many people want this kit.

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Having had a VW Type 34 for many years I too know the importance of stockpiling parts and am trying to lean my lesson this time around. Somewhere out there I guess someone has one of these gathering dust and unless you ask.... In the meantime, today I'll settle for playing in the garage with the bits I've got and will seek Forum wisdom over on the interior section (having already read 20 odd pages of sunroof threads!!)

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What bits formed the repair kit? I bought a really cheap cassette from the scrappy for a mk3 Golf, stripped it down and swapped the broken parts out. The only bit that is different is the front slider, as the Corrado one has the hook for the tilt of the interior trim. Mine is now perfect!

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As I understand it the type 3 parts are largely interchangeable apart from a chrome rocker that lifts the inner roof lining, but other more experienced folk will advise otherwise. The advantage of he kit will simply be that it is new and has not ben stressed in any way and that it will have all the rubber bits in place unperished. I've got my cassette out and I think all the rubber bit are missing and certainly the rocker on the passenger side seems to be out of alignment (it is not dropping into a groove at the rear of the cassette unit). I'm going to wok out what is worn/missing by scanning the many threads for what things should look like and then try and re-create the missing rubber items, but a t3 unit may be a very viable option.

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