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Question time.

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Daft question time, If I could go back in time to say, 16/1700 ad, if i spoke to the first dude I met would he understand me? Like if I told him to eff off or similar? Would any swear words be used back then?


What would happen if I broke a leg or had high blood pressure? Not like they'd be any hospitals around..


Could you get drugs back then?

Told you i was bored..

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Daft question time, If I could go back in time to say, 16/1700 ad, if i spoke to the first dude I met would he understand me? Like if I told him to eff off or similar? Would any swear words be used back then?


What would happen if I broke a leg or had high blood pressure? Not like they'd be any hospitals around..


Could you get drugs back then?

Told you i was bored..


Broken leg, no problem sir I'll get my saw. Have a swig of whiskey and bite on this lolly stick while I hack your leg off.

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VEEDUBBED you really need to get out more mate. Those 4 walls are closing in on you 😂


Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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