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Bleeding Clutch Master and Slave

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Anyone done this before?


Was wondering if was a certain procedure to follow?


Am unable to find anything in the Bentley......

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start at master. keep res topped right to top. clutch is the top line out of res n air can get trapped n dragged down line. bleed master first.i use a easy-bleed manual line tis easier with 2 peeps. one to pump pedal n one to top up res n watch for fluid leeks spillages, or use a power jobbie.


bleed a good bit thru the master i usually use a stella bottle nearly full n use it all for the full job. do same with slave. pedal has to be lifted from floor every time.


Once that is done the pedal should return back during operation. if there is a cylinder problem. it will soon retuyrn to its broken state. io bled mine bout 5 times during the broken period. each bleed made it better for around a week at first then tailing off to a day when the part was shagged

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start at master. keep res topped right to top. clutch is the top line out of res n air can get trapped n dragged down line. bleed master first.i use a easy-bleed manual line tis easier with 2 peeps. one to pump pedal n one to top up res n watch for fluid leeks spillages, or use a power jobbie.


bleed a good bit thru the master i usually use a stella bottle nearly full n use it all for the full job. do same with slave. pedal has to be lifted from floor every time.


Once that is done the pedal should return back during operation. if there is a cylinder problem. it will soon retuyrn to its broken state. io bled mine bout 5 times during the broken period. each bleed made it better for around a week at first then tailing off to a day when the part was shagged



Thanks mate!


Nothing wrong with any of the cylinders, etc - the problem happened due to the clutch master cylinder rod that connects to clutch pedal actually shearing off at the eyelet!! mad eh! - so just needs a new clutch master cylinder (£80) and both that and the slave bleeding (As Im assuming the clutch master feed runs to the slave.... )


Sorted *:)


Should take me an hour tops....

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