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Clocks for a 1992 - 1993 Corrado VR6

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Urgently need a set of clocks for a VR6 distributor model 1992 to 1993 Corrado. These are white needle clocks which will have the attachment for the vacuum pipe on the back. The rev counter usually has the figure 6 under the 1/min x 100 writing so they are not confused with the 4 cylinder Corrados. Ideally the mileage needs to be around 90k, but will consider higher mileage.


Will also consider later red needle clocks without vacuum pipe and any mileage.


Let me know if you have anything. Cash waiting.



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Let me check tomorrow morning mate, I'm sure there's a set down in the garage..

Send me your email and I'll be you a few photos.


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Nothing mate, i've only Got valver one's with red needles and, of coarse with me being in Italy, they are in km/h and not mph..

What's wrong with your set? Might be something simple to change?

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Thanks for looking.

Driving along on motorway, first speedo, then rev counter and finally MFA displays stopped working. All within 10 secs of each other. Temp and fuel gauge work fine.

Tried spare set in car and they work okay. So it's the original clocks that are broken.

Sent them for repair (to a firm who turned out to be far from good!!) but no joy despite them saying they had repaired them! I'm going to now send them to BBA-Reman to see if they can repair them as they are the original clocks with correct mileage.

I have a set to buy from another person on the forum with a mileage close to mine, so I will buy those while the original are/might be repaired.

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