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ignition coil

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i have a 94 2 li 16v car that has now got an ignition coil problem. Its the original coil, but now it seems according to my garage, that VW changed the plug size on it at some time in the past, and the part they have obtained from WV heritage does't fit. The size of the 3 pin plug is now different. Can anyone help? Assume this has happened to other folk, one of the mechanics thinks that there must be an adapter kit so that the new part can fit into the old wiring...... sorry if this all sounds somewhat un-technical. Lady owner who is not an expert with all things mechanical l am afraid!!!! Can include a picture if that helps



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If they can source the correct plug from VW or another parts car, it's relatively easy to remove the wires from the old one and insert the pins into the new one. VW sell all the wiring bits and pieces separately, and Heritage may even be able to help by identifying the correct part number for you.


Do you have any pictures of the two coils side by side for comparison?

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thanks guys.

enclosing pic from my chap at the garage[ATTACH=CONFIG]91420[/ATTACH]

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i hope the pictures help. Its all as clear as mud to me!! the current plug size is 33 x 15mm approx apparently and i believe they have made the size smaller now??

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