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Bloody hot oil

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I bought my 92 VR on Saturday (a hot day) and on the way back down the motorway was seeing 122-124 at whatever pace I chose (Mway speeds). I had a look at the state of the oil when I got home and decieded that I would change it as it looked a bit manky. I thought that new oil may bring the temp down to a better level (synta silva with Mann filter) but no, its still up there burning hot.


The question is why is it so high?


The only two bits of info that I can add is that it does have an oil leak. I have replaced the oil pressure switches on top of the oil filter housing, but I think that the sandwich plate seals need replacing. The other thing is that the fan isn't currently working at its best. The belt between the two fan units has snapped, so currently only running on one fan


Suggestions please?





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A good coolant flush & replace might help bring your temps down a bit. The VR6 does run hot, but that is perhaps a bit tooo hot.


What colour / condition is your coolant in the expansion tank?

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I'd say so mate. Probably the worst time of year to have a less than effective cooling system on the motor! :)

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Thats too high IMAHO...


You should really see anything above 116degC at speed in a VR6... if you do then something is up. The oil cooler isnt really sufficient anyway on the VR...


Suggest flushing the cooling system and making sure the thermostat / pumps are all as should be... if its still hot then would look at upgrading the oil cooler - will do the trick nicely.


A decent oil temp to aim for when loaded is 100 - 105degC Oil / 90 degC Water.



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Oh no!! I've seen more opinions on this than I have had hot dinners and I'm rather confused. Needless to say, a call to the Technical Advisor at VAG elicited no recommendations at all other than to have the car regularly serviced.


Mine runs oil temperature of 116-118 deg when driving, a little higher in traffic. Water temperature is about 90 deg when moving along but goes up to 105 in stationary traffic, especially in the summer. Both fans are working and at all speeds.


Is there an oil cooler kit which anyone could recommend - I assume it would have a thermostat incorporated.


Best wishes



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Personally I would assume that a) your water temp gauge is over-reading by around 5 degrees (85-100 is normal). b) your oil temp is reading high too. When idling in traffic for extended periods your oil temp should match the water temp. Around 100-104 absolute maximum. (The engine isn't generating enough heat to make the oil hotter than the water, but there's not enough air flow to pull the water temps down from 100 much.)

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Just my 2p - for additional comparison :wink:


After replacing most of my cooling system due to overheating probs (both pumps, thermostat, housing, all sensors, flushing & refilling with new G12+), I now get 'normal driving along' temps of around 90 coolant & 110 - 112 oil, hard driving sometimes gets oil temp up to 114 - 116 (I've never had it higher than 116). When stood in traffic the coolant temp will rise to around 95 - 100 & oil usually says where it is (110ish).




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If you haven't done so already change the oil temp sensor. If it's been in there since 92 you can be sure the reading won't be too accurate. I changed mine a few weeks ago and it totally changed the readings I was getting.

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