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spacers with et35... question!

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I've just bought some borbets with a et35 offset, henny mentioned I'd need spacers to get them to fit 'flush' to the arches. I've ordered some 6mm ones from euro car parts, and I know i need longer bolts to make sure they're safe, but is 6mm about right for the spacers? anyone else running et35 with 6mm spacers? what do they look like?



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ET 35 is almost standard for 4Cyl cars (ET33) so they should not be neccessary unless the design of the wheel is causing clearence problems with the calipers... as for sitting flush with the arches, it depends on the width of the wheel...

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cheers, I guess it's a 'try it and see' job. I'll try without the spacers first, if they're an inch wider i've a feeling a 6mm spacer is going to be a bit much... i like the euro look, not the dragster look!

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I only said you may want to put some 5mm spacers on to pull the wheels out towards the outside of the arches to make 'em sit a little less set in... You should just be able to plonk 'em straight on without the spacers though... 8)


It's a case of "suck it and see".... :wink:

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It's a case of "suck it and see"....


tried that, alloy wheels taste nasty.... :(

I'm going to give them a good clean up tonight cos they're pretty filthy then stick them on tomorrow night and see how it goes! I wasn't asking cos i didnt belive you henny :wink: I just wondered what other people had done and hoped for some pictures!

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