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Speed Camera

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G60Dan, revolving numberplates are sooo passe... build a load of infra-red LEDs into the numberplate surround which are powered when the ignition is on... Digital/night cameras won't be able to see the plate then, and it's not illegal (I know, 'cos I was going to set up a company selling these and so looked into the legalities of it) 'cos they're still readable by the human eye...


You'll need to do both front and back though, but it'll stop all but Gatso style cameras which have a film in them...


surely this comes under the same part of the law as radar blockers....you'll just get done for perverting the course of justice...probably not for the first 2 or 3 times...but they wont like it and they'll find some way of getting you

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G60Dan, revolving numberplates are sooo passe... build a load of infra-red LEDs into the numberplate surround which are powered when the ignition is on... Digital/night cameras won't be able to see the plate then, and it's not illegal (I know, 'cos I was going to set up a company selling these and so looked into the legalities of it) 'cos they're still readable by the human eye...


You'll need to do both front and back though, but it'll stop all but Gatso style cameras which have a film in them...


surely this comes under the same part of the law as radar blockers....you'll just get done for perverting the course of justice...probably not for the first 2 or 3 times...but they wont like it and they'll find some way of getting you


That's what I though.


If only you had started your company up b4 this mate! :wink:


If I get through this unscaved, I think I'm going to treat myself to a road angel

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If I get through this unscaved, I think I'm going to treat myself to a road angel


although these work on your gps position and only pick up the fixed cameras (which we all know where they are in our local area anyway)


laser detectors dont work either cause if they go off...its becuase you've be hit! i.e TOO LATE :cry:


so besides slowing down (yeah right :lol: ) radar blocker or henneys led light idea is the only way to go

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nope, you're not perverting the course of justice... you're not jamming anything, or blocking anything, or transmitting on a restricted frequency, or obscuring anything, or, or... you've just got some infra-red LEDs around your number plate... They'll probably get you for something eventually, but the ultimate excuse is that you've been filming yourself driving at night on a track, and the LEDs help the camera see at night... ;) 8) :lol:

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so how many of these led's would you need and where would they be positioned? which cameras would they affect?


did you make a prototype?


front number plates are ugly enough and really spoil the look of the front bumper...without sticking led's there aswell :roll:

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you would need very wide angle ir led's as different cameras are on different axis and normal led's have a very narrow beam (you can prove this by pointing your telly remote at a camera and then changing the angle of the remote)

you dont need to block out the whole plate though because they cant use a partial plate to prosecute you.


it may be more effective if the light source came from the middle section of the plate (ie through a series of tiny holes behind the letters on the plate maybe)

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that, Jedi, is where my idea never got off the ground... :(

I did the research into the legal side (and spent a fair amount of cash doing it too :| ) and tested that speed cameras are affected by IR LEDs the same as normal digital/electronic cameras (don't ask how, digital speed cameras are NOT easy to get hold of for testing! ;) :lol: ) but then couldn't afford the time or cash to start making up prototypes... I also had an attack of the ethics 'cos I also realised how many other VERY dodgy uses these could be put to and decided that I didn't want any of 'em on my concience... :| :oops:


The LEDs I was gonna use were the ultra small surface mount jobbies with a 40degree beam angle... they're used in Mobile phones and the like... my initial plan was to have a numberplate mount (about 4mm wide) around the whole plate with a load of 'em along the edges of the plates and then use a couple of larger LEDs in the center of the 2 (or maybe 4 ;) ) bolts which were to secure the plate to the surround... The surround could simply be stuck onto the bumper rather than screwed if you wanted... I've not mapped out exact patterns or anything and I never got around to making a prototype one, although I put the wiring into my car for them when I re-built it! :lol:

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nope, completely clear and the light's invisible to the human eye when switched on... 8)


Same idea for the mounting points on the numberplate though... ;)

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have you ever seen the lcd plates that go black when they detect a flash (no use for mobile scameras though and damn expensive)


and also the ones that rapidly pulse each lcd letter in turn which looks normal to the naked eye but only displays one or two of the letters on a photo

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According to a visitor to the office today, they went past it and reckon it is checking for Tax & Insurance. It clearly had DVLA on the side of the van & some thing about "Vehicle Licensing" on it too. Things are starting to look up!


Also another guy from the off went past it at about 115 after, he was 5hittin it more than me LOL!

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According to a visitor to the office today, they went past it and reckon it is checking for Tax & Insurance. It clearly had DVLA on the side of the van & some thing about "Vehicle Licensing" on it too. Things are starting to look up!


Also another guy from the off went past it at about 115 after, he was 5hittin it more than me LOL!



please tell us you haven't told him yet???? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: ...................

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['H3R4POR]well' date=' sounds like your in the clear then mate :)[/quote']


as long as he has tax :lol:


rofl, oh yeah :)

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According to a visitor to the office today, they went past it and reckon it is checking for Tax & Insurance. It clearly had DVLA on the side of the van & some thing about "Vehicle Licensing" on it too. Things are starting to look up!


Also another guy from the off went past it at about 115 after, he was 5hittin it more than me LOL!





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