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Declan Sedrick Lehane

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Everything posted by Declan Sedrick Lehane

  1. http://trimsport.bigcartel.com/product/trimsport-vw-corrado-storm-rear-badge Hope that helps. I have one as a spare, its exactly the same as my original.
  2. I'm famous! haha, that was me (classic green) Storm!
  3. I have three, free if you collect them. In average condition!
  4. Shame mate!!! But For what sounds like a very very minor bump, that's going to have been one expensive phone call. Your excess plus a hike in insurance premium for the next couple years, for a bumper respray and a fog light ... Its annoying with these cars and insurance but sometimes its not worth the hassle of including them and get it done by a decent bodyshop you know from the out!!
  5. I have three laying around - can take two off me if you need them. PM me
  6. Anyone tried these? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/222263564691?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  7. Hi Jim, sorry this just popped up on my emails. Did you never receive the item? I sent it to you via TNT after a failed delivery. I will try and dig up a receipt. Sorry I just thought as I hadn't heard from you it had arrived! Will Chase it now.
  8. If you decide to split, I'd take the mats, Original and Rubber ones. Price depending!
  9. Thought it best be time I update this! So the car has been enjoyed, and not a huge amount to update, but little bits over the last few months! As ever cleaning the car, keeping it all waxed up! [ATTACH=CONFIG]84279[/ATTACH] found my dream car, perfect time for a quick terrible photo :wub: [ATTACH=CONFIG]84280[/ATTACH] I've never been shy to take to use this car, so just a nice little drive up to Scotland.... :lol: [ATTACH=CONFIG]84281[/ATTACH] Defiantly worth the drive, some lovely roads and views, car didnt miss a beat! [ATTACH=CONFIG]84282[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]84283[/ATTACH] Parked up for the week whilst I enjoy far too many beers! [ATTACH=CONFIG]84284[/ATTACH] After a week and a bit, it was time to go home, again, was a perfect drive back home. So impressed with the old girl! Found another photo op.... Went for a bit of off roading :lol: [ATTACH=CONFIG]84285[/ATTACH] Then, a proper update! since having this car I always wanted a set of factory Recaros for the Corrado, so this happened!!!! [ATTACH=CONFIG]84286[/ATTACH] Really happy with them, they are so good and really improve the interior! And the car as it is now: [ATTACH=CONFIG]84287[/ATTACH] Next things to too are a general service, need to change the top mounts, and probably space the wheels out 10-15mm until I find the perfect set of wheel (that I can afford!!). Also, some numpty decided to bump the front, and then also the rear in the same week in car parks, so both bumpers are booked back in for paint :angry:, only slight cosmetic bits but my OCD wont allow it!!! Cant have it all!
  10. Fully understand! If anything happens that Easypops cant help I can be a back up! (Dam delayed sending and terrible internet :sad: haha) Let us know how they go, I think I need some!
  11. I am local to you guys, happy to come down and help!
  12. [ATTACH=CONFIG]84241[/ATTACH] Here you go mate, not in bad condition!
  13. I've got one mate. Free if you want it, its at Biggin Hill Airport. May need recovering depending what colour you want!
  14. this is what came with the seats BTW! [ATTACH=CONFIG]84203[/ATTACH] Anyone shed any light?
  15. Hi Chaps I have been lucky enough to source a original Heated Electric Recaro set for the Storm. just need a little advise on fitting it! the current seats that are in are Heated, and I have all the wiring for the recaro's. is it simply switching the seats over, will the wiring just cross over? or do I need to wire in the new loom cabling? if so is there a good guide? Cheers.
  16. How much of the dash do you need to take out, I guess start with the Fuse Cover Shelf, is it as simple as that or does more need to be removed!
  17. Holy thread revival, but where do I find the transponder box? I seem to have the exact same problem on my 95 VR - dumb question I am sure!
  18. Sorry working shifts kills me!! The Indicators are now gone. The fog light has been sold (just waiting on payment), if it falls through VEEDUBBED I will let you know! (and also, I thought I emailed you to say the perfect fogs you sent arrived and fitted/worked perfectly :) ) Thanks!!!
  19. Open to any offers on the above chaps, just to get them gone to a needed home!
  20. Hello All couple bits laying around for sale if of use to anyone on here? Drivers Side Fog light and surround. complete but as you can see it has a small hole (pictured). £38 Delivered. [ATTACH=CONFIG]83585[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]83586[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]83587[/ATTACH] Then drivers side and passenger side late indicator. Great condition. £23 delivered each [ATTACH=CONFIG]83588[/ATTACH]
  21. what are the wheel specs on this? looks great! (L814?)
  22. I hate to say it but worst case you could probably get your £600 back from parts, worst case scenario! Turn up with £400 and see where it goes ;)
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