It's looking bad for the engine if it's losing that much oil. VW say up to 1L per 1000km is "normal" but a healthy engine shouldn't use anything like that much once it's run in. As the guys say it's more than likely to be valve stem seals and/or piston rings + bore wear. Probably the first one since the car has low mileage. Low mileage cars are in some ways more likely to suffer this problem as the seals tend to go hard from lack of use and contaminated oil which has been left in the car too long. (as I'm sure you know oil should be changed at least once a year regardless of mileage)
ps: If it is bore wear there would be other symptoms such as the car being hard to start when hot. Also, when the engine is at normal operating temperature, take off the oil filler cap. If there are puffs of what looks like steam coming out then the rings and bores are worn too much.