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Everything posted by Natcholean

  1. Hi all, I'm after the parts to do a clutch conversion on my mk2 golf ABF. I'm in need of an 02A gearbox and the parts for the conversion. WHY? Nathan
  2. hi mate, do you still have the hydro clutch and pedal? how much posted please?
  3. I'll have a browse... oh look at that post count...!!
  4. Thanks for the advice Dox, much appreciated.. once I have enough posts I'll get an ad up and put their names in the title
  5. :lol: that's what I was trying to avoid :) thanks though mate :thumbleft:
  6. hey all, apologies for this, I'm a shameless wanter of a hydro pedal box for my mk2 abf conversion, I have a diary going on Club GTI: http://www.clubgti.com/showthread.php?276178-Nathan-s-89-Jade-Metallic-GTI Thanks, Nathan:geek:
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