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1200 bandit

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1200 bandit last won the day on May 29 2018

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10 Good

About 1200 bandit

  • Rank
  • Birthday 05/23/1959


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  • Interests
    Motorcycle 🏍,classic cars,beer


  • Occupation
    Renault vehicles technician


  • Plus One

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  1. I painting a car at this time.I did use cellulose paint at fist but not that good (you have to be 100% spot on. So now have used k2 paint so much more forgiving if you get a run just flattened out Did have bits in the paint (being painted in a small garage at the side of my house)but flattened out and nice a shiny (not a £3/4000 job but for £200 not bad at all) It’s all about preparing the body
  2. Just been reading about removing the rid ring from the petrol tank.You can make a tool to remove it So what is the best or any home made tool you have made
  3. You can make one,flat bit of metal thar fits into the ribs then bend over to fit the rid ring ,fit a large nut bolt in the middle then undo the rib ring they are not that tight
  4. What was your first car What year was it How much did you pay My first car was a cortina mr 1 1966 in green 1500 cc Got it in 1975 for ÂŁ25.00 ( 3 weeks wage) Love,hate thing
  5. So good when you get it to how you what it.happy motoring
  6. You see a lot of posts about HAD A BAD DAY. So l though why don’t you post about a good day you had The corrado running sweet,found some things you thought you lost ect Let’s have a good news day
  7. Have been on BMW club runs in the past,Very surprise how quick around bends they go.Have 2 mates with 1200 gs
  8. Hope everyone had a good Easter what ever you where doing Sorry have had some beer
  9. Hope everyone had a good Ester whatever you where doing
  10. Unless it eBay have not got a clue ( Very good friend of mine has a computer shop)so go to him and say broke
  11. Have been using the bandit( as the corrado is sold) so what motorcycles have people got. I have my 1200 bandit since 03/2005.only covered 12,000 in that time, so what motorcycle do you have.how long have you had it,when did I you pass your test.how much insurance do you pay (only if you wish to tell)l pay ÂŁ77.00 a year fully comp.A 20 year old bandit that has covered 24,800 miles
  12. Been the pub today very nice beer and food.we walked about 3 miles there and 3 miles back.Had a very nice day
  13. To keep this site going with new posts,This is mine,this weekend l going to the pud a lot,drink a lot of beer and eat lots of unhealthy food, What are your plans
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