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Everything posted by Neocorrado

  1. wow this is great, now i see exactly what to do OHHH how i love pictures :mrgreen: Thanks
  2. The only thing i could say about all this is not enough Corrado is bad for you so its just like vitamine C you can never get too much of it and the more you get the better it is :mrgreen:
  3. My corrado has lether seats but i didn't know that not all lether seat corrados come with heat, now i need to get either my seats heated or get heated seats. Can it be done ? and how? :confused4:
  4. Roger Blassberg, i alway take out the battery before i play around with the electric in my VR but the fuel gauge alway work fine when i reconnect it so maybe its the ECU. find a way to reset it and if that doesn't work it should be the sensor in the tank and if its not the sensor its just the gauge...
  5. kevhaywire, :shock: OMG $107 buck to fill it up! i would die, how do you guys do it cause if it was me i would just stop driving :) well i can't stop driving a corrado but DAM thats a lot of money, i guess i am a lucky swine :mrgreen:
  6. Is the whole kit oetinger cause i don't really like the kit but i'll Kill for that grill abd i also like the that blue i think it helps the kit alot i dont think it really looks good in another color but thats just me. So !!! is that an oetinger grill and if not who makes it and where can i get it :mrgreen:
  7. Andy Brookes, OK cool ! Thanks kevhaywire, I didn't even know you can do that cause when i toke it out to put the CAI it was making this noise, i din't know what it was until i check and it was one of the hoses making a sucktion noise. if i do what you told me to do will it not do that anymore?
  8. chubbybrown, how are the gas prices over there they can't be as bad as over here i'm paying $2.39 a gallon and i'm going nut, the other day i was on empty and it cost me $47 to fill her back up. if it keeps going on like this the next time i fuel up i may just run in the steets screaming on the top of my lungs :mrgreen:
  9. yalan, Thanks but dont forget i'm in the US the site you sent was a UK one :) but i dint really take a good look at it maybe the have a US one i'll look again and see what it says. but i will take it off this weekend and see what happens.
  10. Thanks alot VR6 i'm loving the EURO one it goes up to 160 MPH as in the american its 140 i see what they say about the gas tank the euro sais 15 gallons just like the US G60 but the US VR6 sais 18 when its the same but are your gallons That much bigger??? SO who's gonna huck me up with some EURO lights, and the EURO Speedo? come on people help a poor man from the US out :) cause my lights are no better than candle sticks :mrgreen: i want them items bad :twisted:
  11. Thanks guys, thats all i'm gonna try to do this weekend wish me luck hope i dont break something :mrgreen:
  12. STORM 2, i wish those were NY plates :) i feel you with the all white thing and i'm gonna take some more pics without the bra to see how it looks. vr6storm, so you have bigger gallons but we have the same tank got it. i would love to see the EURO speedo so if you have a pic please post it so i can see :mrgreen:
  13. Andy Brookes, How did you get it to stay like that , i'm trying on mine but it's just not working :?:
  14. kevhaywire, Good looking out, i'm gonna go get myself 2 bottles right after work and i'll take your advice about how to get to the filler hole cause i was wandering about that myself Thanks...:)
  15. That's all ! a longer service life, well i guess i can get either one of them it don't really matter cause their all the same when it come to performance. Thank :mrgreen:
  16. So what's the final word, is it redline cause want to change mine before the winter and its easy for me to get it over here in the US.
  17. kevhaywire, I was thinking the same cause i want some Euro stuff and i want them bad :twisted:
  18. SO what's better? someone told me that the stock are the best but i dont see how they can be better than the Bosch platnum 4 or the NGKs so someone please let me know what's up with that. The other thing to keep in mind is that i have NGK 8mm wire, i'm willing to change them if you guys have a better combo between wires and plugs :confused4:
  19. Nick_Micouris, I tried to look it up but couldn't get anything i'm thinking not that many, well i'm hoping :mrgreen:
  20. Thanks guys, i'm glad you guys like my car :) i dint know if i could make it and get your approval to make it on this forum but so far i've been getting compliment so i thank all of you. i dint know if the UK tank was bigger but you guys always get the good stuff :) but the tank holds up to 20 gallons, 18 regular ans 2 as reserve well at lease that's what i see in the bentley factory manual so i could be wrong . but thanks again for the Tags all of you
  21. kevhaywire, Thanks for checking her out :) i didnt think id like the wing after i had it on i don't know what happened but now its just on me like glue :) but i do like to change my look from time to time so you never know.... Thanks again :mrgreen:
  22. yalan, OHHH trust me the roads in NY are bad but as soon as i get some eye lids for my baby i'm taking it off :mrgreen:
  23. I dint know GIAC was only for the 2.8 but i guess we in the US don't have many choices i got some stuff from Bahn Brenner but i didn't know if they had a chip for the corrado i though it was the same as the GIAC :oops:
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