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Everything posted by turbomagikz

  1. looks proper mint without badge ! ive got fk badgless grill with(golf) vr6 badge on it ?(dont know wheather to take my badge off now ?) it has the same fixings as original grill. but i want to show my white one is a VR ! & not the mass produced 16v in white ???????
  2. LOL same people adrian flux ???????????????? :cry:
  3. yerr the rims are 17"s atp inox with 205/40 a nice tight fit :shock: lol
  4. sweet n low iz the way to go ? Yerr cheers bally i dumpted her as you said ! now she,s right like yours ! lol. thanks
  5. thanks ! bally your setting advice was SPOT ON , :D . well chuffed ! i said to myself if it look half as good as yours i be well happy. nice one ! a said nice one .... :oops:
  6. ALLLLL DONE ! TODAY ! SLAMMED & RIDES SWEET :shock: :shock: :mad:
  7. bally my man ! a pic ov me old (now smashed up) raddo ! without coilovers ? now me newly purchased one needs to be as low if not lower ! ehhhhhhhhhh got a bran new set ov fk konisports ...were do i sart with threads . as low as poss ???? :shock:
  8. now got my second white vr6 in 12 months .............................
  9. now got my second white vr6 in 12 months .............................
  10. Bally ! :D could you give me sum advise on my new fk coilovers ??? :roll: :roll:
  11. wheels slapped on ! :) fk konisports coilovers on tommorrow a hard slogggggggggg :roll: slowly getting there eehh :mad:
  12. cheers bally ! your motor is sweet ! :D
  13. yerr i sold the full set ov original corrado mats & original vr grill with badge & the vr leather steering wheel £110 just to get them away ! i would of took £30 the lot . lol
  14. yerr tw4tz ! adrian flux full modded car policy :onfire: would not give me any chance of car back ...i begged them ! but narr they only pay me £5400 after a load of boll1cx...... they only ofered me £3400 the first time round ? i gave in at the second offer !...... even though id spent £8000 cash in 6 months purchasin & modding my corrado !. take it as expeirience ..lol cry
  15. :shock: my pride n joy TOTTALD ! ahhh wey ? :oops: salvage company kept me car & all bits ! .. not to worry , as my new 95 white vr6 with 70 k is twice the corrado as last one :lol:. this baby is like its never been out ! seats like new , paint & panels imaculate !, this week my new fk coilovers & 17"atp inox elegance (stainless steelface) alloys will be slapped on her ! should be sweet ???? :roll: :roll:
  16. they have just told me i cannot buy it back !!!! so ive chucked the towel in ! start from fresh ! soon have a nice gleeming vr6 again !!!!! cheers for all your advice & help
  17. cheers lads ! when i wrote this post , i had already sent off pics / receipts / letter to insurance company ! i had to call them yesterday ? they have upped my offer by £1500 & & told me to call back tommorrow to see if i can now buy car back & how much ?? could be sweet if i get car back ! as all my parts will go onto new white 95vr6 i have in my sights ......
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