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Everything posted by Skunklook

  1. Looking sweet Jay... fancy coming down and helping me figure out this loom.... hopefully be pretty easy to do! ;-?
  2. Jay, love the focus shot of the gear knob and the handbrake handle... defo my fave!
  3. IMO; Keep it as near to standard as possible (engine bay metalwork that is) just smoothing out the weld marks and minor indents/imperfections, that way it'll look smoother than normal and tidy too but won't take forever. and why bother welding up the holes you are not using? not something you need to spend ages on hey?! Just get nice factory grommets in there and be done with it. MOVE ON TO THE BITS THAT IT NEEDS! (Just a thought) :roll: :wink:
  4. Cheers 'purple prince' (just made that up lol) I will do!... but I've got this now: Purple - rear right + Purple/Black - rear right - Grey - F right + Grey/Black - F Right - White - F Left + Wite/Black - F left - Green - Rear Left + Green/Black - Rear Left - Yellow - To permanant live (battery) Red - To Ignition sw Blue/White - Switching (amp, elec arial etc) Black - Earth Brown - Telephone mute FULL SCHEMATICS: http://www.eserviceinfo.com/downloadsm/3701/Kenwood_KDC-5080%20R.html
  5. Cheers Gibber that narrows things down lots! I now just need to know what the "EXT. CONT" / Solid Brown / Orange with white rings are?! Oh and does the black lead out of the stereo go to a negative or earth wire on the car's loom?
  6. Morning fellow dubbers, Today I'll be mostly trying fit a Kenwood KDC-5080R CD Head Unit in to my mk2 golf GTI (1989)... however I don't have a clue what each of the cables is for out the back of the unit! Can anyone confirm the exact details of what each colour is/does (I know the basics but I want to get it right first time) Speaker cables (I guess, but which ones?) Purple Purple with black stripes/rings around grey grey with black stripes/rings around white white with black stripes/rings around green green with black stripes/rings around The following also go to a connector block: Solid Red (with male/female connectors before the main connector block) Solid Yellow (with male/female connectors before the main connector block) Solid black Orange with white stripes/rings around 2 x Blue with white stripes around (I'm guessing to 'remote' power the two auxiliary amps/other as there are two sets of RCA connections?) The following do not go to the main connector block: Black with pink stripes/rings round (labelled "EXT. CONT") Solid Brown Any help would be really appreciated as I am off to do it very soon and I can't find a list/diagram on the net! Cheers... and happy new year Nick
  7. Some people really have no idea! Those who know... KNOW! (New catchphrase:? It's not how you make it standard, ... it's how it came!)
  8. Must stop looking at threads like this mate! makes me want a C now ... mind you I want a Lupo after seeing the one in PVW, oh and a Passat after seeing g-man's one.... oh and then there's the old mk1 fetish! DOH! Note to self: Must win lottery!
  9. Don't look too bad I suppose?! ;-) Well done mate, big up the coupehaus masseeeev!
  10. Pwaahaaaahaaa! you big g4y bear! :lol: :lol: :lol: right I'm off to find a pic of me. :?
  11. Personally I think you should've stuck with the mk2.... you knows it makes sense! LOL 'spose it looks OK...I guess. Big respect (again) to you dude! mmmMMMmmmmm cream! :wink: Sssshhhhhhhhush!
  12. Good effort mate! should look sweet as! Could have cleaned it before taking the pics though! :lol:
  13. C'mon you lazy b'stard... get some more pics on here! ;-)
  14. Totally off topic but... what are those manky rims in pic on the right hand side of your sig?! :roll: :lol: Fancy a few beers next Friday for my birthday mate. Gonna hit Revolution Bar up your way!
  15. Sweet as Jay, good effort! (again :roll: ) LOL Did you get my MMS with the pic of the thing you were looking for in W'see? If not you could use the one on the engine but the MMS would look beeter IMO. You could use the whole lot in the MMS I'll get some pics up of mine too when it's running! :norty:
  16. You finished it yet Jay? I need a lift to Austria if you're going that way soon?! FFS! Slacker! :roll: :wink:
  17. I know Jay's not the sort of bloke to say things like this but I'm afraid I can't sit here and read the total b*****s some people have written on here! To those who think this car isn't 'anything different' or 'is clearly DIY'... Pleeease take a step back and assess what you are saying before you type it... then read it back to yourself again. Once you've done this, delete it all and start typing again then repeat step 2. If by chance you still think that you are judging a Ford Fair (you should be able to tell because chavs hang around at fairs and similarly they drive F*rds!) or think that there's little originality in Mr Renshaw's car, then try removing your head from other users' behinds, as you clearly know very little about the dub scene and the modifications carried out within it. This car has the most subtle and the most obvious of modifications that have (virtually - (paint, but not prep, excluded)) all been carried out by the owner to a degree that they look like they were made to be like that. Furthermore, the car has been produced on a very tight budget (through clever use of those who know very little about the dub scene and the modification business) with little or no outside assistance in terms of styling cues and engineering help. Aaaaand it's been done in an increadibly short space of time for someone who does something different for a living and, like the most of us, only has evenings and weekends to work on it! Give the guy a break and be constructive at least! (I'd be genuinely interested to hear the comments regarding the 'wicker man' mk2 of anyone who feels differently to the general concensous surrounding Jay's car.) Personally, (believe it or not) I think the finished product will be awesome, and I applaude Jay on his efforts. This is just my opinion BTW and not meant to offend, but if in case it has then :roll: never mind hey? I'm off to pick my toys up and get back in my pram, then return with another go on here in a few months again... Hell, I might even own a C by then! :lol: :lol: :lol: PS: Jay, that'll be tenner please :wink: :lol:
  18. Looks like some sort of juicy sweet! Nice work (again :roll: ) Dude! I can't even get that mk2 going! Oh well.. can't wait to see those pollished Allegro 14"s on it Jay! :ignore:
  19. Yeah but Andi, that's not a very flattering picture that you posted of her! :lol:
  20. The problem being that now the Renshaw family have no teeth, they had crown wheel, roast spuds, brussels and all the trimmings! :lol: Looking good Jay, nice effort!
  21. Ahh, now who's the traitor! ;-) Looks quite nice matey, IMO, get the RH's off the cabby and swap them with the design 90's. Or put the original cross spoke stylie ones back on the raddo. I like those personally, 'specially when it's on it's RS! How's the mk1?
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