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Posts posted by JBOB

  1. If everybody thought "what are people gonna call me if i have this/that on my car" then we wouldn’t have so many fantastic looking individual cars out there. I say if you want subs then have them, I dont think there chav etc both my g/f and i have subs/amps in the boot cos we like music and want to get the best out of it :D

    Just make sure its done right cos ive seen some really bad things on Talk Audio :lol:

  2. Welcome to the forum mate. One word of advice though don’t ask which engine you should go for VR or G60 cos some people on here get a bit carried away :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: You know who you are!!!!!!

  3. £1400 at the local breaker's but it was three years ago before they became a popular conversion.


    I wasn’t a certain breakers in Paddock was it cos his prices seem to be goin through the roof at the minute :x

    And hes got a C in one of his lock ups thats seen better days but wont break it :(


    I see your car quite a lot it looks awesome :D

  4. You'll need to set up the timing again, so you'll need a timing strobe to get it set up spot on again, but you shouldn't have to touch the ECU on a valver as they're not that intellegent... 8)


    Are you sayin that valvers are stupid :lol:

  5. i met the original owner of this car at inters donkeys ago. just came up to me and talked for donkeys.


    he was a top boy. car looks better inth flesh. well it did after it got about 10 dents taken out of it :lol:


    i likem them rims and the mirrors and spoiler and when it was stripped out etc.


    That’s really cool, its good to know my car has been in the hand of enthusiasts most if not all of its life, I knew it was well looked after by the mountain of paperwork but that confirms it :D


    That car was stripped out and had Cobra bucket seats in the front when i first viewed it but the guy sellin had just bought a mint condition black interior for it and had changed it round when i bought the car, Good thing was he gave me the Cobras and all the mdf that boarded out the back so i made a bit of money on the car as soon as i had bought it :D

  6. Ive never been done by a camera but i get pulled over all the time. The day i moved to Huddersfield from London i was pulled over 6 times in my Mk2 Golf on the Huddersfield ring road, I wasnt speeding or driving like a muppet they just saw a new car in the area and wanted to see who it was :x

    When i bought my C it started again but it gets to a point where every copper has seen me and some wave now :lol:

  7. ...........and No dont turn down a fixed penalty & 3 points if your offered them, and dont use the immortal lines "your equipment must be wrong, I'll see you in court!" trust me that one does NOT work at all, what-so-ever, not one bit no no no!!!



    I was told not so long ago buy a copper that all the hand help laser guns have to be calibrated everytime they are used, and if there not it wont stand up in court.

    Does anybody know if that’s right?

  8. My brother bought a loom from this same guy on ebay for his C and when matched against my car that has one of Gavins his was still very dull. I know we have the same bulbs in also cos we both bought them at the same time. So i would say spend that little bit more so you can see where your going and as the others have said they are very good quality so you know its all gonna be safe.

  9. Ive just remembered that ive had the clocks out yesterday aswell and there was a small plastic tube going to the back of them, could that have somthing to do with the MFA cos i had to pull it quite tight to get to the screws to disconnect it.

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