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Everything posted by Rich_SE

  1. looking good chris!!! im glad my wheels went to a good home!! look after them for me fella p.s selling the wheels got me a lovely shiney milltek exhaust with the sports cats for the R32 8) = NOTE!!!!!!!!! Rich
  2. give that man a coco nut :D well done about time too :!: sounded awesome the other night 8) next time im out you will have to take me for a blast see if you can convert me from being a 20V Turbo man to a g man :lol:
  3. yeah baby! i allways thought that would be a great and logical progression from the vr6, well done it is looking good cant wait to see wot it looks like when it is finished :D keep us posted :!:
  4. yeah, Bri hurry the fuck up i still have'nt had my g lader experience you promised me :!: You know im a schmidt man so i think you should keep them or give them to me :lol: But definately 2 of the best corrado's ive ever seen :)
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