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Everything posted by bristolbaron

  1. yup, ifve got them fitted too, and have been impressed. however, my splitter has taken the brunt of hieght adjustment!
  2. ive seen there stuff at shows, it all looks good, they'd do whatever you wanted if you ask.
  3. Im being incredably lazy and not taking up close pics! i've just refurbed some solitudes for the winter and have some new splits to go on next year.. just need to find a set for Autumn/winter 07 now!
  4. keep going josh, thats not good enough. they will give you back the full amount if you pursue it. Just depends if you can be arsed!
  5. NickVR6 has been looking for some also..
  6. find her a pinkus one! my boss used to be a manager at smart in bristol. apparently the reason the pink cars came about was smart had huge uk stock holdings of cars they couldnt get rid of. they were discounting dramaticly until someone came up with the idea of spraying them all pink! they did it and they sold loads.. the advantage of removable panels! cool cars.. my mum has one, it suits her fine and shes had no trouble with it. only issue would be depreciation.. theyre not the best, but then the cars are cheap to start with. good luck with the search! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIkwdv1kvmo wow! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ju6t-yyoU8s crash test
  7. Phil K, i dont suppose you would happen to have a set of early lights you could offer boroboy, do you? :lol:
  8. Trouble is i think it will always depend on the exact road/situation. I have roads near me that are a 30, that you'd only ever go down at 20. There are other place where the limit is 30 and you could safely drive at 50. unfortunatly, we dont get a say in that. rules is rules. :cry:
  9. thanks bud 8) they're 17x7.5 on a et20 so fill the arches nicely.. difficult to find, but up for sale soon :(
  10. Oi! nothing wrong with the new mini!!
  11. *Mod Edit - Sorry mate, PM's are PM's! * fair enough, but when the PM is related to the thread, is unsolicited and envolves other forum members it's only fair for other to see whats been written. I've recieved an abusive PM this morning regarding this thread from double-6s and again, as i feel it's unwarrented, I don't see why it can't be added here.
  12. double-6s, are you interested in finding out the correct information for scoobyd00, or are you just picking fault in the way Eric had worded something. If your opinion differs, or his facts are incorrect, thats fine.. however, you may not know that although he can speak it better then a lot of people, English isn't erics first -or second- language. If hes said something technically inaccurate give the guy a break..
  13. def speedlines.. i would be put off a car with wolfrace wheels. [even though i have voodoos on my polo!]
  14. hmm.. if you were caught by a completely handheld device then you should be able to argue.. due to the steadyness needed to hold the gun in place, most police are using tripod type things or using vans.check pepipoo for an answer and fill out there form for advice. however, ive just been caught for 44 in a 30.. i took the points because i cant be dealing with hassle/risk of arguing in court to save £60..
  15. doesnt seem to bad a list, just shame its all come along at once.. having just fitted a gwerks exhaust, and heard bad things about the miltek systems, i would recommend the gwerks one if its not too late.
  16. this is pretty full on! im not bothered if someone sees my car as a 15 yr old VW/ knackard old turd/ whatever. i drive it, i enjoy it, i get annoyed by the squeeks and rattles/lack of AC etc.. who cares..
  17. cant wait to pick it up! will be down soon.. Ben, the cars looking sweet, not read the full feature yet, but will get chance to tonight. any interest from buyers yet?
  18. my car accelerates faster on my 15" wheels than my 17"s..
  19. haha i got pink t-shirts with mine... :lol: grrr... one in XL? :lol:
  20. feckers.. thats two months in a row my subs not come through quickly!
  21. surely if you were 7 feet tall you would want the shorter one as your gangly arms would reach the windscreen? :lol:
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