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Everything posted by Scott16v

  1. Scott16v

    DIY spray job

    From my experience when I had some paint work done the body shop had a set of paint colour cards there was about four different shades of the same colour to represent any fade due to paint age. They then hold the cards up against the car and choose the match and get that shade made up as the paint colour may have fadded over the years. So I would be a little careful if the paint has not been aged to you car paint? If you have any further questions I have a good freind that works in a body shop and could relay any questions to him if needed.
  2. Scott16v

    audi S2

    my brother has just got one and all i can say is wow it just has so much grip you would do well to find a car for the same money beat it off the line.
  3. A grey valver in MCM milford last friday having some work done cant rember the reg but had clear rear lights I think. Looked very nice!
  4. CV joint ware can sometimes cause a knocking sound on fall lock
  5. If your CV joint is worn the boot would have probally split and crap has got in there and caused it to ware. Have a look at the boots and see if any oil is seeping out i.e. if oil gets out crap can get in.
  6. I think you can only get a valid insurance approved certificate if its installed by and approved fitter as this certifies it was fiited correctly and works as it should? If it was fitted "DIY" be the prevours owner there would never have been a certificate? May be wrong though???
  7. I think you mean the seal between the engine and the distributor not an internal seal within the distributor???
  8. i think GSF is about £94 plus VAT for a new one (with exchange for your old one). However i have seen them on ebay for much cheaper.
  9. One last thing if there is no running problems i would be tempted just to clean cap up and remove any oil and see if it comes back?
  10. Might be best to speak to an expert but with oil in the cap it will lead to possible starting problems and rough running. If this is the case a new distributer is about £100 from GSF but you will need an expert to adjust the timing as it is hard to get it spot on.
  11. The only way i can see that oil has got into the cap would be though the distributor which would been a leaking seal within the distributor?
  12. I'm no expert just going be what hapened to me. Have you been getting flat spots in the power?
  13. I had the same problem its caused flat spots in power I had to get a new distributor. I was told by the mechanic that an oil seal in the distributor was leaking and oil was getting on the contacts within the cap and the only way to replace the seal was a new distributor.
  14. I'm sure the CTR is a great car but you cant hide the fact its a honda? :wink:
  15. Thanks guys i really want ONE!!! going to start saving the pounds
  16. Thanks for you advice mate confirmed exactly what i thought, I have heard that alot of money has to spent on the VR6 engine at 100k? is it therefore best to buy one past the 100k mark with all the work already done?
  17. Hi Guys, I curently have a 1993 k reg 2L 16v corrado which I do love, but its not a VR6. When i bought my C last summer i decided against the VR as i assumed it would just drink the fuel and be generally be more expensive than a 2L. I curently drive about 45miles a day and get average MPG of 36 ish. I am just looking for some info on the VR6's running cost compared with mine? Thanks for reading Scott
  18. Thanks guys i'll investigate the options when i come to do it after Cristmas.
  19. sometimes my idle stays high arond 1500 rpm I have been advised to clean the trottle body? Dose anyone have any tips what to use (carb cleaner?) and the where to start? any help would be very much welcome. thanks for reading Scott
  20. Hi, I own a 2L 16v K reg corrado which needs the front engine mount changing, has anybody got some useful tips i.e. where’s the best place to jack the engine to take the wait from the mount? Any help much appreciated Cheers, Scott
  21. I have just had the same prob with my 16v start from cold and its fine when it warms it stutters. My problem turned out to be the lambda sensor two wires had snaped. Replaced the sensor and is now running perfect. :mrgreen:
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