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Everything posted by southy

  1. southy

    Sump Plug

    Sorry, i know this seems silly but i've done a search and can't find an answer. I own a '94 2.0 16v corrado and am about to do a service (I've never done one on this car before). Does the sump plug need a washer or is it self sealing?
  2. Does it bother anyone else how everyone seems to have their fog lights on these days regrdless of weather or road conditions? Doesn't matter if its an M3 or a 1.0 106. P!22es me off!
  3. Done a search on this but hasn't really answered my question. I own a 94 2.0 16v with factory fitted alarm and immob. I have the Immob Key but dont know where the manual overide for it is. Got stuck this afternoon and looked everywhere. Boot, under bonnet, fuel cap, glove box etc. Is there a standard place for it to be? Am I just missing it?
  4. southy


    Thanks guys. Done a search. Heaps of stuff to wade through.
  5. southy


    At last! Found and bought a nice condition 2.0 16v Corrado 94 model. Want to upgrade to a stainless exhaust but unsure of what to go for. I don't want anything too noisy, like the understated/more standard look. What should I be looking for and does anyone have an idea of cost? I really am a novice mechanic so would also be looking for advice on were to go in central Scotland for services etc. Any help appreciated. :?
  6. Might sound a bit cheesy but I tried elephant.com 'cause the girlfriend got a good quote from them. 780 for a 2.0 16v corrado. I'm 24, no NCB, no points. I don't actually have one yet but been getting quote for when I find the right car. Anyway best I've had so far.
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