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Posts posted by Ad2408

  1. Hi


    Maybe going to replace the slam panel on the girlfriends C soon so I thought i'd be best asking on here for advice.... What not to do etc etc!


    Its a 1990 16v by the way!


    Thanks in advance



  2. Thats what I was thinking.... Think i'll pop over to ebay and see if I can source some ISO connectors.


    Next question.....


    Has anyone got any diagrams or even better pictures of how the ISO connectors should be wired?


    Thanks again Supercharged!



  3. - Sorted why the locking petrol flap wasn't locking (rod had pulled out of pump)


    - Retumbled drivers door lock to fit to fit the key that operates the rest of the locks


    - Fiddled around with the HU then put it back to how I found it! Swore while trying to get the bloody thing back in!


    - 'Bout it..... Oh yeah and cleaned the interior!

  4. Hi


    Just been trying to fit a new headunit into the C but have hit a couple of problems.....


    - The ISO connectors have been cut off (why do people do this :mad: ) and the last headunit has been fitted using chocolate blocks (again why oh why....)


    - The unit works fine when the HU live and switched are both fed from the cars red and white cable(Permenant live?) but when the switched live from the HU is connected to the ACC cable of the car (Red/brown?) its doesn't work. Any ideas? I've tried the swapping the yellow and red around trick.... no luck!


    - I've got the multimetre out and tried the ACC cable from the car and got the following results:


    Engine Off/Key out: 0 volts (what i'd expect)


    Turn to position one: Very low volt reading (any ideas what would cause such a voltage loss?)


    Any ideas would be great! Or should I just tap into the switched live for the rear window heater? What colour is this?


    Does any of this make sense!! :lol:



  5. Hi


    The girlfriends new Corrado :D has had part of the trim pushed in (in front of the radiator) its the trim that is colour coded, metal I think.


    Basically above the bumper but below the headlights (car is a 1990)


    How do I remove this?


    Thanks in advance :)



  6. I could be wrong (it has been known :lol: ) but.... I think you connect a minidisk changer in the same way as a CD changer i.e with the same cable.


    But as I say i'm probably wrong!



  7. Yeah, i'd allow a full day if you can.


    Just take it steady and its pretty easy, just be careful with the headlining, its pretty fragile.



  8. If you right click on the 'download' text on the right it should ask you where to save it. Select a place.... Download it and open..... Will work as long as you have acrobat (most computers do)



  9. Hi


    I had this same problem (the scratches on the roof) and I used the sunroof repair kit. I've got a .pdf showing how I fixed the problem if you want it? Send me your e-mail address.





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