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Posts posted by dannyc

  1. Hi all

    every since i bought my C the rear wiper hasn't worked and i just thought it was a blown fuse, but when getting my headlights looked at by an auto electrican it came on. I said how did you manage that cos i've tried pushing and pulling it in every direction and had no joy, he didn't know what he had done.

    My brother also has a C so i know all your suposed to do is push the lever forwards. when i do it the water sprays out on the rear window but the wiper dosen't work.

    What do you think could be causing this? and what does the sliding button do with 0 - 1 - 2 - 0 on it


    cheers :lol:

  2. My screen has also been badly fitted, causing it to leak. I've been told that the only way to fix it is to have it refitted, but i'll need a new screen cos its impossible to get corrado screens out without breaking them.


    So before i go down this expensive route do you think i should try adding more silicon sealer? if so do i just need to pull the rubber back and fill the gap?

  3. wow thats alot of dollar

    is the ride noticably smoother cos feeling all the bumps really pisses me off.

    how do you adjust the height? is it a wheel off job or do you adjust the top of the strut?

  4. Thanks for all the replys, some very nice pics posted 8)

    it looks like FK Konigsport Coilovers are the way forward. How much am i looking at for a set of these?

    reaper1_3 whats the difference with your FK highsport coilovers? are they just a cheaper version?

    Oettinger SLC and JBOB what are you and your mates using?




    danny :D

  5. i've not long owned my corrado and the suspenion was already fitted. the recipt says it lowered by 50mm but it looks more like 20.

    How low have you got yours? can you show a pic?

    is there a specific make that i should buy?

    heres a pic of mine, does that look 50mm to you?

  6. I've had the same problem with mine, its really annoying cos mine has had a recent new windscreen fitted but it was with the previous owner at the time so i done know how well it was fitted.

    But i think its the heater matrix tho cos it has a slow leak. How much does it cost to buy a matrix?

  7. i only put this up cos i read a post last week where someone asked a similar question about the cig lighter bulb. he got a answer with the exact bulb type.

    it would of just saved me stripping the dash and taking the old bulbs out only to have to rebuild it all, drive to the shop and back again, strip and rebuild.

  8. just before i start to strip my dash, does anyone know what type of bulbs i need for the clock, abs and back light.

    and can i pick them up from halfords or is it a trip down to the stealers



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