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Claret Badger

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Everything posted by Claret Badger

  1. Just wondering as this would be a saving - my hunch says no. (and NO, I am not a hunchback) http://tinyurl.com/mrcjb
  2. one rule for one different for others You're either in the club or not. This forum needs an enema
  3. if he likes it let him have it *shhessssssssssssssh!* snobbery
  4. still - 690 ain't that bad for fully comp how old are you? (no i'm not grooming)
  5. the car has a big fat arse looks ugly beautiful face though from some angles it really is a monstrosity the Z3 or whatever it was was the last great Alfa
  6. beige leathers are the lick Recaros are more preferable - but in my moonlight blue - beige looks money black is just so gloomy IMHO
  7. looney motors mate of mine humbled a skyline the other weekend - not bad for a car with half the capacity of the ricer
  8. nice but not essential A hot pair of cams and a branched manifold - twinned to some headwork is the difference maker. Get the air in
  9. Drive quickly and carry a Maglite (5 cell of course) hth
  10. All I know is TVR Chimaera's suck My mate had one - 4.0 - nothing but trouble Vauxhall switchgear - leaky roof - flat battery ALWAYS. If you really want that TVR experience Griffith is the only one other than that - get an Elise - driving experience is FAR better IMHO HTH
  11. how about lowering the back by 10 mm more than the front?
  12. nice to know those crazy Honda engineers and their They're doing something right
  13. I like to play spot the early TT without the "anti oversteer" mod spoiler on the back. It's strange how a small piece of plastic ruins the cars lines
  14. there was a 150bhp/1.8t version as well I tink mainly European only - but there are some early left hookers out there single pipes used to be telltale of the cars bhp
  15. hmmm tuppence kit cars made in Blackpool compared to multi million pound mass production in Wolfsburg. not a fair comparison anyway - weren't they bought up by a russian millionaire recently? they;ll be alright
  16. allegedly the mk5 costs too much to make hence they will be bringing fwd the release of mk6 earlier HTH source - CAR magazine
  17. All I found was a box of gentlemens tissues :(
  18. I think you either miss the point or you failed to understand why they bought it out. At the time - the early 90's the Japs were going through an anglophile phase. And I think these were brought in to be a substitute for old Mini's and MG's etc. I believe there is a Micra based MK2 Jag - now that's hideous - in comparison the Figaro is very cute and does what it is meant to do.
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