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About RapidVII

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  • Birthday 10/05/1976


  • Location
    West/South Yorkshire Border


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  • Occupation
    Motor Trade

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  1. RapidVII


    Lol, I like that :lol:
  2. If this is any use to anyone, I have a G60 bottom end in the unit complete with gearbox ? The head was off the car when we got it, so ive no idea on the condition of both unless I stripped it. Is this any good to anyone, if so, make me an offer I am a FULLY QUALIFIED mechanic, so if I stripped the bottom end, you can have a detailed report. Or PM me with any enquiries you might have, and i'll do me best. Cheers, Paul
  3. When it wouldn't start, had the car's temperature been high, eg, cooling fans coming in etc if so, I would hazard a guess that its the fuel vapourising due to a combination of the outside temp and engine temp. This is basically due to the fuel injection system having far to travel ( metering head to fuel pipes to injectors etc ) I bet once the car has cooled right down it starts on the turn of the key ? At the end of the day, it wouldn't have done this when the car was new, so its a case of eliminating certain area's, firstly id start with the fuel filter and fuel injector cleaner/service. If the fuel filter has never been changed, and then work your way up. How id be sure that its the vapour problem, is if you try to start the car at say, 15 to 30 mins intervals, if it starts and you get a misfire, then id be 99% sure thats your problem, and especially if you get a wiff of fuel from around the beneath of the car. If not, it could be a million and one things, personally id go back to basic's, are you getting - Fuel, Spark, Power etc. Hope this helps.
  4. Sounds like the solenoid on the starter motor to me from the little info thats posted !! Weld your lug as close to the starter as possible ( or even feel it ) and get your mate to turn the key, if you hear or feel the starter clicking, then thats 'yer problem matey. I could go into detail on how to check your probelm electrically, but its 2.35am and I cant be arsed to be honest with you. If you need anymore help, if any of our other fine members don't reply after you've give us some more details, then when im better rested i'll be happy to help you in detail ! Cheers
  5. RapidVII

    head gaskets

    If I can just add, If you overfill the unit with oil, it can cause major damage, depending on how much you over fill. The reason being is that under no circumstances, any liquid forms cannot compress. Try shaking a bottle of coca cola up with the cap on and see that the bottle goes rock hard. ( its a simple example ) The more you overfill, the more pressure it puts on the system, resulting in more damage to your engine. The oil under extreme pressure will find the weakest point of escape. I agree totally with Dub_Nut_G60 - get a compression test done, and also a cylinder block detection test, sometimes blown head gaskets are hard to detect, even with these methods. If you decide to do the compression test yourself, as a guide I used to take the readings, I would work on if there's any difference between the cylinders of 25psi. ( when the general compression is ok ) All I would do if your compression test works out ok, is give the car a good service including an engine flush, and just monitor the cars behavior really. R7
  6. Have you thought about a Citroen AX 1.4D ? :lol: :lol: :lol: R7
  7. Well you know what to do matey ! ps, I love the wheels on that rado of yours, suits the car very well.
  8. In the interest of any of you's fine members that have ANY old CATS knocking about, The CAT prices are through the roof at the moment, so if you have any, pop along to your local breakers ( or anyone who is a registered vehicle dismantlers ) and I guarantee that they will snap yer hand off. The weigh in prices start from ( depending on the size of the CAT ) around 30 quid upto 100. Hope this helps someone out guys. R7 ps, dont be poisioning tins of whiskers :D
  9. No problem. I'll make another just incase anyone wants one. From start to finish ( in a woodworking workshop with the appropriate power tools ) it took me around 4 hours to make just one. Christ knows how long it would take by hand. Cheers
  10. Hi all, Just thought id show you all the gauges ive installed in my Corrado, as below. Here are the guages illuminated, I had to make the piece for the guages to sit in with MDF, took me a couple of hours. If anyone wants a template to make your own on cardboard, PM me and i'll send it you for a quid. Please bare in mind, once the MDF was cut, there's an hours worth of work in getting it perfect. I finished the piece with primer, met black spray and laquer. The link for the gauges is ( 19.99 each ) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... %3AIT&rd=1 I'll post the finished pictures of dials when there in the car tommorow with a bit of luck. Cheers, R7
  11. Most newish cars today, relacement radio's plug straight into. So i'll assume for arguments sake that you have fitted a new radio with a wiring harness ie - Sony to VW. If this is so, then the actual length of the wiring loom has become longer, so hiding it away for the radio unit to sit comfortably in its cage leads me to think that it may have disturbed a multiplug or wiring in conjunction to the indicators. Its even possible that the Radio my be faulty or its been wired up wrong but thats a real longshot I reckon, unless whoever installed the radio is a fukwit. Personally, I would remove the radio completely and maybe plug in the original one to see if that cures yer problem. The problem has started since you removed the radio and installed the other, If its not related what so ever then thats just bad luck I guess. I would say that your problem is something or nothing, just retrace yer steps and check the wiring bud. R7
  12. Ben16V, Great information and pictures thanks, Is the oil pressure sender that beeps on the MFA still connected also out of interest ? Cheers. R7
  13. It should have had a recall for that " metal box " your talking about depending on the chassis number as I remember, off the top of me head pin number 4 and 8 I think should read infinity, if it dunt, the " metal box " is to be replaced and the wiring was to be sheathed. You better check though, as Renault might contribute a percentage to the bill if its not under warranty. Its been nearly 3 years since I worked for Renault mind, so me knowledge is fading - thank god. Terrible cars. R7
  14. That would be great if you could find that out bud. Thanks very much. R7
  15. Just a bit of pointless information here as im bored and have itchy fingers. WD40 - the "WD" stand's for Water Displacement. So there you go :lol: R7
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