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Automation Wizard

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About Automation Wizard

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  1. Your video takes this task from impossible to a severe test of patience. I finally got it without destroying the cover by reaching behind the leather with a 90 degree pick. Thanks for being awesome and documenting how you did it.
  2. Is there any way to do this without removing lots of stuff? I managed to get it hooked around one pulley, but trying to get it round the main one with the motor was nigh on impossible. Is the best thing to do is maybe remove the motor, hook the belt round the second pulley, then the motor pulley, then lever it into position? I don't know if it is the best way, but I've put this belt on several times because a high-priced "Porshe mechanic" bent the fan bracket on my wifes car by prying against it while he was changing hoses. I unbolted the fan bracket from the radiator (4 screws) and managed to get it away from the radiator a couple of inches. I then managed to get the belt on one pulley and started on the other. Then I got it onto the second pulley by turning the fan by hand. Then I found out that there were brackets that kept me from putting it back on. I drilled two holes through a hack saw blade (I know this sounds bad) and matching holes through a long, thin piece of metal. I used this extended saw to cut off the brackets down on the bottom of the radiator. The 4 screws are a pain to get back in due to alignment and lack of room. Doing the hardest ones first helped a lot. I lost 3 more belts before I found out it was because of the bent bracket. I suggest turning the fans all the way around by hand to check for any rubbing of the belt on the fan or bracket before putting in the screws. That's how I found out the mechanic had bent the bracket. I tweaked the bracket till there was no rubbing, and it's been fine for over two years now. If I had it to do over, I'd cut those brackets on the bottom off first! Looks to me like the radiator has to come out otherwise. Her car overheated a lot without that belt in place.
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