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Everything posted by Jonesmark12

  1. Scarlett - thankyou for not buying her! i love her - and the 3 stage polish has really boosted the colour!! (3xpaint renovator, 3xpolish, 3xwax!!) Andy - yours was one of the reasons which gave me the final push to buy her! you dont see any around in this colour! Greeny - top man! on e38 i'm still BelgoCab, can contact me through either forums! I'm going to give the window switch idea a go. i've been sat at my computer copying the etching graphics from the seat buttons. may print out onto water sticker paper tomorrow at my work studio and see if i could put that on the window button. will keep the oe look!
  2. yea i've followed your car on e38 for a while now! mint! i'm guessing the cars were on the same delivery lorry?! :roll: Price for buttons was at the dealers - although i was given a little tip from them which i havent checked yet. Apparently the buttons have a very simular coding except for the last letters as a passat electric sunroof? anyone shine some light?! I know about the side trim - was going to take them all off - but will wait for body shop!
  3. Hey guys! New on the forum - but fitting since this is my new toy! After selling my rag top i bought this for myself. Really odd - i can remember back in the day sitting in a VR'd Storm in the Stevenage forecourt as my mum was buying her mk2 gti and i fell in love with this car. Have always wanted one - and now i do! except its yellow! and its a 16v! Was really scared at first because of the colour - looked at a couple of others after this one - but this nugget did more than all the other C's i checked!! Just finished a Megs 3 stage polish - taken just over a day! (Ste car was really dirty!! :oops: ) Has really helped to bring out the shine. Although it does help highlight some bits i want doing at the bodyshop. Steve (Alltech) sorry i didnt make it down to bluewater for you guys could help me out - but will try and see you guys at the garage before the end of the month. Not going to go too crazy on her, just super proud owning her! Great to drive compared to my old 8v carb! And i'm totally addicted to watching the spoiler raising (although it is a tell tale sign for speeding to people in the know!) Amongst all the history it shows that the electric recaros were an option ordered on delivery - and they are gorgeous! - although i wanted to get new buttons all round as the toggles are wearing a bit - vw - £42 EACH! Overall great motor - Pics hopefully show this - also there is a sneak preview to the new wheels which should be arriving this week. Bora_boy cheers for holding them for me. Will keep people updated - let me know on ideas or thoughts! Cheers, Mark
  4. Does anyone know where i can get the buttons for my electric recaros? the levers inside are wearing thin, so they wont work all the time - plus are looking tatty. should i go through vw or elsewhere?! :? Cheers! Just got my C - will put pics up this weekend - along with a list of bits i need some help on!! fun fun!
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