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will 2

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Everything posted by will 2

  1. will 2

    rota cup wheels

    has anyone got a set of these fitted they are 8"x16" et35 will they fit without any body mods tyre size i think would be either a 195x45 or 205x45 what are your views on them, ta
  2. so has anyone bought one yet to try waiting for a report :reindeer:
  3. looks like a job on mine to, being a 1st time owner of a rado what is a swg cover :oops:
  4. could anyone tell me where i can get a deep chin spoiler from thanks
  5. will 2

    18" wheels

    mite change my mind on a set of wheels so would 18" rims fit ?? if they will what sizes would i need to go for as in off sets etc and 'et' what ever that is?? (no alien jokes on that lol ) cheers ps, would i need spacers ?
  6. will 2

    new wheels

    where is the best place to buy some of these wheels from, nice photo's of your cars by the way, keep them coming, thanks
  7. will 2

    new wheels

    looking to buy a new set of 17" rims, can you post some of yours so i can have an idea of what to go for cheers
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