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Everything posted by cheebs

  1. I got mine from Amazon. Here's the link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002QVRV5I/ref=oh_o01_s00_i00_details
  2. Recently I was in the need to remove some seized Allen bolts in my hatch latch and this is what I did: First, lube thoroughly with penetrating oil. Let wait at least ~20 mins. Next, freeze for ~3 minutes with either freeze spray (available at pastry suppliers) or an upside-down can of commercial compressed air. Finally, tap in a Torx key that's just slightly larger than the Allen hole, and gently but firmly turn until it loosens. HTH
  3. How about these? (bottom of page)
  4. Example of the atlantic language barrier i think! funky(GB) - cool! eg " nice shoes pet, very funky 8) " funky(USA) - not cool! eg " urgh! this cheese is off, it smells funky! " I think i'll just say i like it and avoid any confusion! lets see some pics of bananamans smoooothed banana! Well that clears some things up!!! Thank you. Cross-pond language lessons are always welcome, especially for such a big disparity.
  5. May be funky but it's functional.... actually I like the way it looks, to each his own.
  6. Hello people, greetings from Central America! Here's my favorite shot (so far) of my Vr6.
  7. My car is definitely not a daily driver (I have a *gasp* Honda for that :oops: ) and I NEVER park it out on the street. Basically it gets used to go riding in, out of the house and back LOL. I will document the project throughout its stages. Really this has no true 'practical' use, it's more for kicks and the thrill of doing a cool project like this.
  8. So say hello to the newbie! Flame suit is on 8) Seems like more and more people are getting into the idea of having a fully functional PC in their car. I've been toying with the idea for about half year now and this is the stuff I've collected so far: VIA EPIA M9000 mobo 933mhz Opus solutions DC-DC Power supply 256 MB Corsair 266 DDR RAM Toshiba 20 GB laptop hard drive Lite-on 8x laptop dvd Laptop to IDE adapters for hd and dvd Deluo USB GPS USB Multi-card reader USB WiFi Hauppauge WinTV USB TV Tuner/FM stereo/Video capture Miniature pinhole camera for backup system IVOS voice recognition software G-net car PC interface software Now all I'm missing is the freakin display, which has to be in-dash because I don't want to cut it up with a flush-mount. dscustoms and digitalworldwide are super lagged in getting their products to market :x I will post progress pictures once the project is in its install phase. Should be a bit of fun :mad:
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