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ali moore

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Everything posted by ali moore

  1. so why havent i seen a C for sale with the colour SHERRY PEARL, in its add, cos thats what it says mine is down by the air filter, or is it cos it sounds like a girls colour,LOL
  2. hummm that is reading from my MFA without resetting it - I suppose my drive to work isn't really "round town" as there is no stop-start. An indicated 40+ is easy on the motorway if you stick to 65-70!!
  3. hummm that is reading from my MFA without resetting it - I suppose my drive to work isn't really "round town" as there is no stop-start. An indicated 40+ is easy on the motorway if you stick to 65-70!! yer i get 30 round town in the vr easy, took it to france got upto 42, :)
  4. Well rub my eyes, blinkie flipp, is there such a passat or is it just another ebay sticker, and big phat twin pipes out the back,if so i want 1 as a family car :lol:
  5. ali moore

    OILY No.5

    thanks mate, i think your right, new plug it is.
  6. ali moore

    OILY No.5

    about a year and a half ago the VR developed a bit of a miss fire, on examination i found No. 5 plug covered in oil, oh no, i changed the plug ( with head in sand ) it's now done it again, ok so it's lasted a year and a half 4000k,with no other probs, but is it what i think it is , about £1500 quids worth.what do you recon? :(
  7. it all happens on the bypass, LOL, i was about 1 mile till we joined it, there she was , a big silver Ferrari behind me (please follow me i was thinking) it did, so the plan was take the VR upto about 80 ,down the windows as we hit the bypass and listen to the howling V12 give it the beans past me (what a sound) please, please.well i recon i should of taken her to about 130, cos it perred past i recon in 6th, what a let down, but she was a nice motor. :(
  8. ok, so there i am purring along uckfield bypass ( in traffic) when just left a round about noticed a rather nice audi join about 2 cars behind me, didn't think any more of it, till SH=THE BED, the boogers all over me, yep its a RS4, fully loaded i might add , flippin kids an all,(no dog), we pulled off on the next roundabout (less traffic)i put her up to 60 (gave him a flash at the spoiler LOL) and the dude planted it, well i no he's got 450 bhp, and he no's what i got so why did he bother, i recon it made him feel good taking my VR which i consider to be a bit of a chuftie, he wouldn't do it to a vectra would he.i now just let um go and give em a smile as their go past cos they no. :lol:
  9. my wifes got a 8v, its ok, still get the stallin problem, v power sorts that, but i do take it off the drive to get the VR out.but i would say, it go's round corners better than mine :?
  10. try the even quicker fix, put some v power in it, sorted mine out. :D
  11. ali moore


    lol, yer you right m8, fully comp=£324, but fuel aint too bad 34mpg.
  12. well, i just been sent to ARGOS in brighton, (had to change a dud presant) took the VR, no brainer, the amount of looks i got, well funny, girls looking and the fellas looking away,as they got in the cavalier's and fords. COME ON BOYS, LIVE IT UP. :lol:
  13. yer the charger is good, but its a wannabe :shock: lol, sorry you lot, but put the 2 together VR.and some. :lol:
  14. ali moore


    ok m8, youve made the move, congrats, now move on, VR, you will love it. :D
  15. back in 94 my boss got a new VR, well as a MK 2 GTI owner i was, well, dribbling, 1 month later i was to get married, wedding car was a dark blue aston(1990) very nice, but what do i take to the church, well i plucked up the courage and asked the question, "Vicki can i borrow", she gave it to me for three days, a brand spanker, 1500mls on it , 4 years ago i got mine, thanks vicky, PS. 2 months after that she rolled it on ashdown forest, she ok but VR not. :lol:
  16. my VR's on 108k, when i got her she was on 72K, and me like you , allways toppin up, yup its a lot of oil but where's it gone, LOL, no smoke, not on the drive? who cares.just think of that hair add thing , she's worth it. :lol:
  17. yup, recon you right, i love her to bits she aint goin no where, but she might have to sit next to a 911 on the drive at some point in time, i like the 1990 style.
  18. no m8, ive done nothing to the VR, just put the flop in, its a differant car m8, fantastic.
  19. yup, seat nice but the wife wants one. so ill have one of them to drive. but it still aint got it has it. the chuffty thing.
  20. so what next, i just dont no, what the fek car could replace her ( my trusty VR) thats trusty , not rusty, people keep saying "you've had that a long time now" and i think "well that's a no brainer"or is that just me. some twat even said "she's lookin dated" flippin knob. he drove a poxy micra. this person is no longer in my life, my choice, lol, knob.but other than an R32 what???????
  21. m8, i had this, very odd, we took the sparky out, put a rag over the hole and turned her over, got rid of oil, i recond it was terminal but that was last year and she's still good,was it no. 5 by any chance?
  22. well flippin ek, both our dubs were stallin,(gti mk3, and my VR) recond the cheapest to sort first was the golf, new leads,dis cap, rotor arm, cleaned throttle body, NOPE, still stallin,I popped into the flop station and all they had was Vpower ,a few more quid but what the hay. it ran for a week with no stallin, said to the wify"chuck some init see what happens" 2 week later, 2 health dubs, no stallin, and a happy me, god willing, it will last. but honestly, im sure the VR is running so much better, if you havant tried it , give it a go see what you recon. :D
  23. ive just had to upgrade to V POWER, a bit more ££££ put she runs so much better, (no stallin) and she's worth it, lol, still gettin 35 mpg.
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