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Posts posted by oli1vw

  1. Hi


    the guy before added some HT leads which led about 6 months later to the manifold blowing.


    not sure how but car is repaired now, fixed now but getting car serviced.


    luckily not too bad,


    Thanks for the advice guys

  2. Hi


    Was a bit impatient to jump into the corrado and broke the door mechanism such that the central locking works but the door does not open.


    I have tried to take the door mechanism off from the door but the screw holding it will not move. The screw is on the side of the door where the door mechanism is ( drivers side).


    Before I take a drill to the little ******, which way does the screw unscrew? Have tried both but want to be sure.





  3. Dear All


    I was going to order some product from this supplier who is shop and web-based.




    I asked to see if there was any forum discount, he did say "no" but said if there was forum interest for a discount scheme


    that one of the admins could contact them and arrange this.


    So if people would like to order products from them please register your interest and I will ask one of the admins to progress this.





  4. Hi guys


    Just covering my bases at moment, first car from ebay - still to be checked and viewed. The others are because you never know how honest people are with their ebay descriptions


    Just to clear up any confusion here is the picture of the car plus ebay link


    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1994-Volkswagen-C ... dZViewItem


    Damn can't upload pic easily, on ebay anyway.


    Please let me know whether we still are buying the same car.


    Thanks for taking the time to read my posts :wave:



  5. Hi


    Just off to buy my first vr6 corrado, just wondering if there is somebody who could help me check the car before purchase. am waiting for the guy to take his private plate off it so not necessarily going to happen as planned (Easter weekend) am going to meet him in Hereford (Gloucester way).


    Any recommendations of a local garage or someone who could run the vag-com on it or do an inspection?


    Thank you for taking the time to help me.



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