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About 2.016V

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  • Birthday 11/26/1986


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  1. What seats are you using mate? I would say use the standard seats and to be honest those colour schemes in my opinion sound awful, try and stick to one colour
  2. Fantastic thanks mate, I will get back to asap and let you know

  3. Hi,


    Yes I have them in stock, price is £16 per side and you get an install guide.


    Paypal friends to dave.bestwick@ntlworld.com




  4. Hello mate, do you have any of your door handle repair kits, I need one for both the driver and passenger sides as both are broken now haha and climbing through the boot is not ideal. How much do you charge per side? Thanks



  5. Thanks guys, will go for febi ones then, save me a shed load in the process aswell haha, want to eliminate vibration so seems the best option
  6. I have an ABF in my rado, originally a 2.0 16V.I need to replace all mounts and was wondering what set up is best to go for? I have heard of going for the Vibratechnics road front engine mount and oem the rest, has anybody had any experience with this set up or recommend any other options?* Many thanks
  7. 2.016V

    Coil overs wanted

    Hello mate, are you still looking for some coilovers for your rado? I have just replaced mine and have a decent set of coilovers for sale, budget coilovers (ta tecnix, Jom) .all four in good condition. No leaks, not seized and all cleaned up. Looking for £100 Give me a text on 07595919629 for some pics if interested
  8. Very nice storm mate, where abouts in Swindon are you?
  9. This afternoon my ABF decided to throw a wobbly, when it got warm the revs started sticking at 2k and won't drop down at idle, but sometimes idles briefly like it should then revs up itself back up to 2k, can rev freely but is a little rough and is abit lazy getting back to 2k at idle. Relays have been done, checked vac lines, throttle cable fine, TB cleaned, *ISV cleaned and working.could it be something to do with the Throttle Position Switch, I have been meaning to do the ecu/coolant temp sensor for a while aswell, would this have this effect if it has failed as it started when it was up to temp. Thanks in advance*
  10. I have just replaced my heater matrix, all back in place but as the original was valeo and the new one is hella the two plastic pipes going into the engine bay are about an inch shorter so really struggling to get the coolant pipes on as they are nearly flush with the bottom of the whole. How did people get around this?
  11. Thanks mate, i think iv still got a fair bit of thread to undo so will get someone to yank from the other side as I'm doing it
  12. So the thread is just turning inside the plastic housing, do I need to undo it from the engine bay with someone pulling the heater box from inside at the same time, so after I'm just left with the bolt thread still in the bulkhead?
  13. I am in the process of removing my heater matrix, I have the dash out and and all ready to go, I have undone the top nut in the engine bay for the heater unit but the bottom one is just spinning (nut and thread) .someone has said that it unscrews from the rear from the plastic housing but I can't seem to gather what they mean. Anyone else experienced this, any ideas?
  14. I will have the clocks if you still have them mate
  15. Do you still have the clocks? If so I will take them
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