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Everything posted by hombre_paulo

  1. Thats the reading and exactly what i thought it should show. I`ve got a 2 spare to try so will swap them over this weekend. Thats the second rubbish sender I`ve had from GSF, one blue temp and one yellow temp. Won't be going there again.
  2. Quick favour to ask. I think my VR runs a bit too rich on startup. I know the ECU does richen the mix until the engine is up to temp but am concerned mine may be taking it a bit too far. Does the ECU rely on the reading from the blue temp sender at all during warm up? Reason I ask is that I have vagcom'd my car during startup and when the engine is cold the reading from the blue temp sender is showing -47c (and i dont live in Siberia). When the reading gets into positive values the car runs as it should. Would anyone with vagcom mind letting me know what their blue temp sender reads when their engine is cold? Ta
  3. Dive on in. I was thinking more like £30 with cheapy postage as they`re not needed until agter xmas?
  4. Thats for the tip. Is there a definitive list or a way of telling which ones fit?
  5. The dreaded rear caliper sieze has begun on my vr so going to do the Mk4 swap. I understand that it is just the calipers and hoses needed. Hoses are on my xmas list so just need a pair of calipers. Money is tight so the cheaper the better
  6. Maybe a mandatory donation to the forum prior to being able to advertise in the for sale section should be introduced. Would certainly put potential "trader only" registration from joining, and those that did still sign up purely for a profit would be giving something back to the forum. Alternatively a gentlemans agreement could introduced between forum members to include a line in all sales that "£x will be donated to forum". This helps fund the forum but also should different genuine enthusiasts sales and those from profiteerers. I`m not looking to stop people selling expensive parts or breaking cars on the forum, as people will only pay what they want to pay, but they should at least be giving something back to the community as they are benefitting.
  7. hombre_paulo

    vr6 clocks

    The mpg gives it away as not a VR shirley?
  8. i would also like to see a pic as have tried all the above and am now checking the wiring.
  9. hombre_paulo

    Temp gauge

    Yeah i tried various combinations with the gauge/senders and no joy. I know how much the guage it out by so if i see it hitting 90c during normal driving i know i have a problem. Still got a working temp/fuel gauge if you want it? Make me an offer, I can post tomorrow if you can paypal today.
  10. hombre_paulo

    Temp gauge

    MIne shows a constant 70-75 when driving normally, rising to 90c when in traffic. Have vag com'd it to pick up the read from the blue temp sensor (yellow fees dash) and that shows 86c crusing rising to 96c in traffic which is spot on. Tried changing the yellow sender and this caused my guage to read a constant 120c! so put the old sensor back in. Tried a different guage and no different. Its just a quirk i`ve learned to live with.
  11. I would try a new fuel pump relay first, quite common and the cheapest to replace.
  12. Always good to welcome another c owner. Lots of info on here - so a good idea to search before you post
  13. Change by past owner @ 70K ~ not sure of reason Now on 135k and no noise
  14. Tried it with a massive pipe wrench but it jsut wasnt gripping it well enough and kept slipping.
  15. Apologies if this has been asked before but the search wasnt bringing up the answer for me. Just changed the oil on the VR but couldnt get the filter off with my unsuitable tooling. Is this the correct deallie from Halfords for the job? http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_storeId_10001_catalogId_10151_productId_199193_langId_-1_categoryId_165469#dtab
  16. Agree with the above. Replace it all now or else you`ll be doing it all again.
  17. Having a look into this and it appears that it is a B&M short shift kit that has been fitted. Are their any bushes etc which may wear causing issues?
  18. I have had a play with the sprung mechanism and every other gear is dead easy to engage. The circlip is also there too. When making sure i push forward then right to engage 3rd it goes in sweet with no crunching at all. Straight forward and it does crunch. the previous owner fitted a short shift kit so i dont know if this is causing the issue. Clutch judder is only at pull away and only with low revs. A quicker start at it pulls away smoothly.
  19. Update : Clutch bled and linkage all checked. Clutch now feels nice and smooth and returns fully All gears now easily selectable, except 3rd!!!! I still have to push forward into "3rd" and then right towards 5th to actually get 3rd, this method is consistent now though. I`m also getting a slight amount of clutch judder but dont know what clutch is currently on the car (vag vs other). Could this point to a worn gearbox mount? Are there any sure fire signs its knackered?
  20. Mine fires straight up to around 1.5-2k. Then settles to 800-1k for about 5 seconds. Then fluctuates around 650-750 for a further 20 secs before finally settling on idle.
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