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Posts posted by WigsVR6

  1. Sorry to hijack this thread I bought some AG super resin polish (I'm a fan of this stuff) Normally its quite thick like jif/cif bath cleaner however the last bottle I bought I was shocked when i opened it to find it very runny/thin. Does anyone know is AG have have changed the consistency of their resin polish or have I bought a duff bottle?


    Cheers Alan

  2. I've noticed this too with the engine tilting slightly to the right I dont know if this is normal or a problem. I've had the C in specialist VW garages a few times since I've owned it and nobody has ever brought it to my attention so I'm only presuming that everything is fine. In fact it's in for a service sometime next week so I'll pop the question when I take it in unless someone gets back with defonate answer.

  3. Just an update I spent a gruelling 9 hours on Saturday detailing my car :-







    polish* 2



    The C came up very nice and I'm more than happy the the effort I put in but hats off to all of you out there who do this professionally/regulary I was knackered at the end of it all. The collinite finished me off at the end what a :censored: to remove but worth it. I will apply another coat sometime this week then hopefully that will be it for the winter.

  4. As always with these type of questions it does open up a can of worms but it was something I was expecting. There is great advice out there and I've never been one for really getting the best look out of a car until I bought the C. I try to keep it looking good. Preperation is key to a good finish so I shall be buying more than just wax - clay bar and polish ect. Thanks again to all who have helped and supplied links I'll get round to having a proper look soon when I get time :D



  5. Thanks guys. looks like there are plenty of products out there which will do the job nicely. I've never tried the collinite range before. I'll give it ago. Is this wax avaiable via retail or is the internet the best bet?


    Cheers Alan

  6. At the moment I'm using Megs NXT tech wax 2 Its easy to apply and brings the car up nice and I'm happy with the result. However with winter fast approaching I'm wondering is there a more "heavy duty" wax which I should be using? The car is used as a daily and I'm thinking the Megs may be a little light for winter use. Or am I wrong and the Megs will be ok. Any comments will be appreciated and I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who may be thinking the same.


    Cheers Alan

  7. I took my VR to a local VW specailist who plugged his VAG COM to my car and reset all the fault codes regarding the engine/ ABS and was told it was the two front ABS sensors which had gone. He didnt charge me for use of his VAG COM as I gave him the work. Hopefully (fingers crossed) thats the last of this fault I'll see.

  8. I had my front bumper and front nearside wing resprayed two weeks ago. Last night I waxed my car and noticed that parts of the roof and passenger door felt grainy so I removed the wax and felt the areas affected by hand and it felt rough to the touch. I'm thinking that its overspray of the clear laquor coat. What is the safest way to remove the overspray and get my paint back to its normal glassy like finish?


    Thanks Alan

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