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Posts posted by WigsVR6

  1. I have heard (though not seen for myself) that there may be issues with the light output being channeled through the Corrado's etched headlight lenses


    Although changing a lightbulb is straight forward (even for me) it seems there could be issues regarding the above. I take it this would be classed as ileagle by the police? Thanks for the reply Andy I think i'll wait for other views before I commit to these.



  2. Sorry to hear this. Hope your mum and yourself are both ok. First of all thank god that there are people still about in this country that will stop and offer help to those who need it. That guy was a saint. Then the other side of society what a :censored: This scumbag needs a bullet through his head not jail or a slap on the wrist (which will happen) under this present government policy of closing jails. Good luck with your claim. Hope you get justice

  3. If it's happening only when the car's warm might it be the O2 sensor?


    I have the same issue, but I've got new HT leads and the coilpack was replaced about 2 years ago as well.


    It could well be the o2 sensor but I dont really know. I dont want to start buying new parts and start a wild goose chase throwing good money after bad. Have you tried looking for arching on your coil pack?


    Now its dark I've looked at the coil pack I cant see any arching around that area but when I touch the HT leads with my fingertips it does arch then. Is this right? If not then what would cause this?


    Cheers Alan

  4. Took the VR out this morning to work and it behaved fine - for the first mile when the engine was cold. After that the same stuttering appeared again. It's always at low revs in all gears. I can't work out why that would be. Going to check all the HT leads later when the engine as colled down.

  5. Yep me as well. Pi55es me right off usually its the 4*4 jobbies who can drive right over the damn things. Dosn't make me drive any faster though usually it as the opposite effect dont want to rip my exhaust off now do I

  6. Ok symptoms are:- engine ticking over at 600RPM with a slight "off balance" to the normal tick over patten. Once moving a slight hesitation in acceleration occurs at roughly 1000 - 1300 RPM in all gears. Higher up the rev range everything is as it should be. In the higher gears esp 4th and 5th the car really judders when trying to pick up from full throttle low down in the rev range. Petrol consumption is higher but that could be down to me revving the engine higher up the rev range. The engine starts first time. All theses symptoms happen whether the engine is hot or cold.


    I'm thinking electrical/injector problem.


    Any ideas or tests i can perform to help me find out what is causing this problem?


    Thanks Alan

  7. ^^ Totally agree with Jim. I do only 90 miles a week in my VR so if these electric vehicles take off and become more affordable then I'd have one. However this aint going to happen for a long time so it looks like i'm stuck using the VR. Aint that a bummer :lol:

  8. Hi Borbet,


    I had my exhaust fabricated at MIJ and I have found the quality of work carried out to be fantastic. Its a nice quiet system (they will give you the option on loudness when you get there though to suite your tastes). There havn't been any rattles or knocks since installation.


    The only point I would advice on is to be careful on the price and be clear on what size diameter exhaust you require as I did make the mistake of not asking the right questions and ended up with an exhaust which is slightly smaller in diameter than stock. (Thats my problem mot MIJs though)


    They are based on a large indutrial estate in the middle of nowere and the work took 5 hours for my car so take a book or something to pass the time.


    I would use them again in the future thats about the best recommendation I can give.


    Cheers Alan

  9. Hi guys hope someone on here can advise me. I've just completed a 1000 mile run in after having new piston rings/timing chains/tensioner/clutch replacement. I've had the oil changed today so I'm raring to go after only reving the engine upto a max of 3000, which took 3 months to accomplish. I can't wait to give it some stick and listen to that sound track again. But is it as simple as that? I've heard that the ECU "learns" (for want of a better term) that after a bout of light use not to enable the engine to run at full tilt.Is this correct? If so what do I need to do to get things working as thay should?


    Thanks Alan

  10. I'm told it doesn't always .. but mostly, yes. You may have to scan it before switching the engine off after a run.


    Thanks Dr Mat good timing with the reply as my VR is in the garage on Weds this week for an oil change after running in the engine for 1000 miles after some major engine work. I'll get my mechanic to do a full VAGCOM scan while its there.

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