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Everything posted by Richie_t

  1. Havent read all the thread so sorry if i have missed anything, you have done the right thing new calipers As for testing abs sensors thats easy unplug the sensor, jack up the wheel for that sensor, contet the senor to a multimeter set to read ohms and spin the wheel, no idea what the figures whould be but the resistant of the sensor should go up and down from one value to another. The proper what to test them is to plug in an asilascope to actually see its wave form.
  2. Second that altho what has had more of an effect is probably that fact that the tyre contact patch and king pin inclination are aligned properly again giving the correct moment about it. I changed everythign on my car, all new genuine ball joints poly bushes and knoi coil overs and h&r roll bars standard 15x6.5 rims with 195/45's steering was utter crap bump steer every where gripped like hell tho!! changed to some 16 inch rims from a seat and all the bump steer is gone shame they are only 6 inches wide has lost a fair bit of grip. The main problem with streched tyres is that the change the profile of the contact patch and the pressure across the tyre on a graph looks very very similar to that of a under inflated/flat tyre!!! a tyre such as 205 on a 7 will give a nice even pressure across the whole area
  3. I just fitted some jbl 6x4 from ebay for about 18 quid plus postage sound fine to me but a the magnets were of a size that caused many fitting head aches had to cut the side support things and are pretty close to my shock tops like 2 mm so just be warned you might have to do the same but once in there fine. Not hard to get better than standard really
  4. I feel you pain matey, I went to change a wishbone bush and ended up needing a subframe as a bolt sheared off and no method under the sun would free it. Then once back together the water flange on side of head was leaking so when to fix that and the charger oil feed pipe split!! then the thread in the charger for the pipe banjo bolt stripped!! all finaly well and then the rad fan switch packs up and tries its best to cook in trafic this weekend does it ever end?
  5. Hi there This might be more of a wanted post but its also a warning to people too. Last thursday I had bbs 4 alloys with no tyres nicked by pikeys too weigh in as scrap is all I can persume as it wasnt a matching set and they left the matching ones with tyres on behind, all my tools, new coil overs and other shiney bits laying around. This occured during daytime hours whislt at work. I live in a rural area of west somerset, down a long private drive, its the only way in and they have to drive past my house and neighbours house to get to where the wheels were. They were by my car which was on axles stand with no rear beam, loads bits laying everywhere (over a grands worth of tools and then same in shiney parts) in a open front barn in a gated yard and only visable once fully in the yard. Ok so this is a bat stupid of me to leave them where I did but if you knew my property you'd understand why I did. So anyone in a similar situation weary so it doesnt happen to you too. Now the wanted bit, the wheels they took were 2 corrado G60 bbs wheels and 2 mk2 golf bbs ra's. If anyone has 1 or even 2 corrado g60 bbs wheels laying around id happly pay for them or swap or cash and swap them for the golf wheels which are in good condition just my car looks like a right klaxson wagon at the mo with odd wheels :(. Cheers guys Rich
  6. With regards to MOT all that comes into is weather the light functions, If its missing from the car then they cant fail it, if you tape it over thats fine (mot man isnt allowed to pull tape off of things to see whats under same can also be done fro the pump if you worried stick a bag over it) I have removed the pump from mine for the simple reason its a crap abs system and was in the way for another job I was going to under take. All I changed was the resivoir on the master cylinder and one of the front to rear hoses as it has a larger size thread on the end (many manufacture do this to help identify different lines) added 2 T-peices and about 18inches of copper pipe If you just pull the fuse or unplug the ecu the car will have just the same brakes as if you remove the pump. Hope this helps Rich
  7. Tony Have you checked the belt tension? and fluid level? A loose belt doesnt always squeak. An lowfluid could mean air in the system but they normally self bleed really well but lots of lock to lock stationary with a tight blet and around 1800rpm should do it. Good Luck Rich
  8. Check you wheel bearings, even if they aint noisey they can have play. If your wheels aint standard the can be loads closer to the caliper which is what could be grinding or disc and caliper. Mine made a grinding noise for a bit the dissepeared for a while then came back with avengance and was the bearing making the caliper and wheel rub. Also a top mount could be to blame. Are you lowered at all? drive shafts could be catching in places but would have happened from day one or an anti roll bar link could have come loose I have had that happen and it hit the drive shaft. Good luck Rich
  9. Haha I know that feeling all to well, as much as I love the thing its getting a right pain in the ass but I have pretty much changed everything on it now for but even a simple bush change has lead to a new subframe. What did the codes say? If its a rear sensor thats gone you'll struggle to get the old sensore out with out removing the disc as they are a tight fit. Also just remeber the fronts also have a plug at the sensor its self so if they have a open circuit It might be the lenght of wire from the turret. Good luck for when the snow goes Rich
  10. Hello Its most likely a wheel sensor(s) has packed up. Thats what was wrong with mine but I couldnt afford genuine sensors and none of the non genuine ones I brought would fit in the hole. Easy way to check the sensor is to jack up a wheel and disconnect the sensor plug and measure the resistance of the sensor, If its an open circuit the sensor is broken and if it has a circuit then try spinning that wheel, the resistance should change for exapmle jump from say 1 ohm to 3 ohms then back to 1 again as the wheel turns no idea of what the xcat readings should be but it will help u find out whats wrong. The pins on the plugs are a little bit tricky to reach with multimeter prode pins but with a little imagination you'll get to them. Rear sensor plugs are under the rear seats (here unless you have a mate handy pull the wire back through the floor and under the car so you can spin the wheel as the same time), fronts on shock turrets. Hope this helps Rich
  11. Cheers for the links, be helpful when I forget what goes where!! I have had some suggestions that its the shift tower support on the underside of the gearbox as the whole box is now all a bit crap. And the selection of 4th is totall random some times fully selectable other time wont even pull back from the middle now. I Have heard that there are steel replacements avilable does anyone know where from? With regards to the slipping thing, its basicly jumping out of gear but not full more that the gear was never fully selected. Cheers Rich
  12. That all depends of the quality of bush you go for, I put some cheap ones from rallye design on my corrado, wore out in 50 miles!!! As a mechanic I totally agree with you, at my work we get loads of coustomers that want everything changing as one part is worn, yeah its nice to do it all in one go and save so much time and hassele but then once you have spent more than the car is worth (just add Im a mechanic at a independent land rover specialist) and they cant afford to pay the bill where do you go from there? On the other hand mind my g60 is proper ticking me off now as I started out just changing bits as required I'm now under it every weekend fast lossing the joy of it. I guess its all about time and money and what you like doing with both. Oh and something to consider when lowering you beloved is the rear brake pipes on the beam. I have had to route mine under the beam instead of on top as they were crushed between the beam and body, (these were factory steel pipes) and I have only lowered it about 50mm but do live a rural and very very bumpy area.
  13. Hello there Have a little Issue with my corrado G60's gearbox and Im looking for some hints as to what has gone wrong before I take it out and strip it down and make 1 good box of 2 dud ones. One night after some rather excited driving it started jamming in 4th (only after hard acceleration), then a couple of days later stopped selecting 4 all together. Well Half selects it. This bit is hard to explain, basicly you can feel the selecter move the synrco hub but not lock in place, how ever even if holding the gear lever back it will cruse in 4th but as soon as any power is allpied the revs climb like a slipping clutch. Oh and with the selecter cables disconnected and selecting the gears at the box by hand it feels just the same. Im expecting to find something like a colapsed plunger spring or selecter bush maybe. Any help and hints will be great tho. Cheers Rich Happy New year
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