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Posts posted by pumbaa

  1. Great, thanks for the info. I might just get a standard downpipe then to replace my butchered one. Though i will keep an eye out for a decent secondhand one at the right price. :D


    Anyone know if the standard downpipe has a 2 or 3 hole flange? So i know if i need a new de-cat pipe or not.



  2. I've been looking for a decent 4 branch for a while now, and one of the issues puzzling me is whether they normally have a 2 or 3 hole flange at the end of them? I currently have the standard downpipe which the previous owner has butchered by removing the flange and welding a piece of pipe that connects it directly to the exhaust because he was too tight to buy a de-cat.


    This would be ok but I've recently purchased a miltek and have an old de-cat pipe that has a 3 hole flange.


    So finally my question is, does the standard downpipe have a 2 or 3 hole flange? I thought it was 3 but most 4 branches seem to have a 2 hole flange.


    I've been told I will get very little gain if I fit a 4 branch, is this true even if I'm porting and polishing the head and fitting abf cams?





  3. Right, i tried to fit it. Got it all in and started the car. Sounds alot nicer :D but its not really a very good replacement as it doesnt fit very well, so i removed it.


    It fits under the metering head fine but it has a rectangular flat base, which the old airbox didnt have so it doesnt sit correctly in the old airbox's place.

    One corner of the airbox is alot shallower than the rest to accomodate the rise of the wheel arch. This means the pipercross filter doeant sit in the old airbox's space very well and moves about (a little too close to the alternator for my liking). I tried to cable tie it to a fixed position but wasnt really happy with this solution so removed it.


    If anyone has some kind of better fitting instructions it would be useful, otherwise this probably isnt the best mod. Sorry i cant report on any performance gains/losses.



  4. I've bought one of those pipercross foam air filters in a steel frame cage, I understand that it replaces the lower half of the standard airbox but what do I do now with the vaccum pipe and the other hose that once went into the standard airbox?


    Any help is much appreciated.





    I purchased a grill grom him over a month ago and it has not yet arrived. He claims that the label was damaged and that it was returned to him. He then claims to have re-posted it, but alas.... it has still not yet arrived!


    I have sent him PM's (which he as read as they have gone from my outbox) but he claims he cannot reply to them at his work, one would have thought he could reply to them at home or elsewhere but this seems not to be the case. I have also repeatedly contacted him within his sale threads, but he rarely, if ever replies. I am losing all faith that the item will ever arrive.


    Shaun60 is also awaiting items which have not yet arrived and has been given the same excuses.


    Has anyone here recieved anything they paid for from meth?


    So this is a warning for anyone who is thinking of buying anything from meth.........



  6. Took her on a long drive to norwich and back this weekend. Definately some good improvement at the top end. Took the car to the old mans garage and he said the engine was running fine, no pinking or anything, idles fine. She may have lost a weency bit of at low revs.


    And for some reason shes giving me more mpg??? Is this possible????


    So all in all worked out very well. Will probably be selling this chip when i put the abf cams in and i use the other chip. So let me know if anyone is interested.



  7. I am also planning on putting some abf cams in at some point. The guy who sells the chip says i will need it re-programmed after i put the cams in, as this will change the timing.

    Anyone know is this is true?

    The only reason i doubt it is because i didnt think i really needed a re-map if i put KR or ABF cams in the 9a.


    Thanks for your help,



  8. Spoke to the guy on ebay about this chip, he says it only advances the timing by a few degrees so no real risk of pinking and he said the fuelling is not controlled by the chip. Since it's mechanical injection, it's controlled by the plate under the airbox. So hopefully no danger of under or over fueling.


    I managed to get hold of a spare cheap ecu, into which i've fitted the new chip. Swapped it with the standard one and so far so good. It doesnt seem to be pinking. Only done one small journey so far and she seemed to have a little bit more go in her at higher revs.


    Doing a long journey on friday so ill be able to give it a good test run and see how thirsty she now is.


    Will update.



  9. Just bought one of these, damn ebay vouchers making me buy things i dont want/need! But i wont be able to give it a try for a while, im trying to get hold of a spare (and cheap) ecu to put it in to see what it'll do whilst keeping my old one safe and unmolested. (i get paranoid about cheap ebay jobbies that may end up costing me a fortune by ruining the car!)


    Is there any other dangers this chip might pose to the car other than damaging the ecu? And im planning on fitting some ABF cams in the future when the car is in the garage, this shouldnt have any adverse affects with the chip should it? (sorry im a newbie to engine mods but im slowly learning)





  10. Hi,


    I'm the proud owner of a moonlight blue 2.0l 16v as of about 6 months ago. I've spent the last 6 months making a few cosmetic repairs and changes (some interior plastics, ice, eyebrow, passat handles..... ect) and i'm starting to think about some engine mods.


    Ive been told that due to emissions the 9a was somewhat restricted on performance. I'm fortunate enough to own '92 reg which has had the cat removed ..... legally! And ive been told that swapping the 9a cams to KR or ABF ones will give me a large bhp increase.


    I was wondering what would give me the best improvement, KR cams or ABF? and should i change the head to a kr or abf one too?


    I have aquired a set of ABF cams, if these were the way to go, would i require anything else to fit them?


    My dad's a mechanic but isnt too clued up on specific performance upgrades to vw's, he can fit anything needed but doesn't know whats best for what im after. He'll also offer mates rates (body and mechanical work) for anyone who will help me out, he just doesnt know it yet. :grin:


    Thanks very much,



  11. My valver came with black leather seats that were retro fitted (grey plastics with black leather was the main give away). I've heard along the grapevine that all C leather is heated and all i need is the loom and switches to get it going.


    Does anyone know if this is true?


    And if not, how would i go about finding out if my seats can be heated?


    Thanks in advance,



  12. Spotted, Black vr6 heading towards norwich at the beginning of the single carriageway of the A11 at around 9am, i was heading south to london, exchanged a wave, was wondering if he's a corrado forum member or just intrinsically has knows to wave fellow rado's.

  13. lowandwide-


    Purchased a leg heater vent, small piece of plastic and not worth very much so isnt causeing a great deal of hassle, but its the principle.


    Took weeks to arrive after lots of messages and posts, he apologised and said he had sent an email explaining (i did not recieve one) and couldn't get to a computer to sort things out (how did i apparently recieve an email?) and didnt have the money to post the item (he claims he had to borrow money to post it....... it would cost £1)


    Anyway, after a very long wait. The item arrived, but not grey as expected. It WAS grey........ but someone had attemped a really.... really bad spray job to turn it black!!


    So i sent him a message to explain what i had recieved was not what was expected (about 2 weeks ago)and he has not replied since





  14. You have them both running to the ignition feed, so all presets will be lost when the ignition is turned off. You need them both to run to the live feed, this means the stereo can be on without the ignition being on, or one to the live and one to the ignition to have the stereo to only come on when the ignition is on (cant remember which one is which). You may need to do a little re-jigging of the wires in the ISO plug, so that the live from the car goes to the same point as the live that the stereo requires. ( some old vw's have the live run to a different point in the plug as modern standards)


    Hope this helps, you might need a tester or a wiring diagram to help. (but the chances are you can find the thickest wire in the back of the plug that doesnt line up with anything in the sony plug and that will be your live!)



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