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About misscarnage

  • Rank
  • Birthday 12/15/1981


  • Location
    Cork, Ireland


  • Occupation
    Finance & Admin
  1. Cheers that makes sense, nope unfortunately no master key. I'll take your advice and have a search for a master key. I found someone who's going to look at it today and will be able to disconnect, but I'd prefer the other method. Appreciate that!
  2. Bump, any ideas? I'm really stumped here. Just have to disconnect the immobiliser I guess, if there's no way of re-setting it to recognise my fob.
  3. Hi all Went to start the corrado at the weekend after it being off the road for 2 months. Needless to say the battery was gone and I noticed that the immobiliser light had gone off, which never happened before when the battery died. So I charged it up with jump leads and the immobiliser light came on after a while and the car started as normal. Left it run idle for a few mins, then went to turn on the lights and it died again. So we charged it again but this time the immobiliser beeped about 20 times and now it won't work. Its flashing away but just won't recognise my immobiliser key. I think the immobiliser must have re-set itself. Its a Gemini alarm system, and the immobiliser is a little plastic stick thing that you push into a hole on the dash to de-activate the immobilser. The alarm will turn on and off with the usual keyring button, its the immobiliser thats the problem. Does anyone have any ideas about how I resolve this and get it to recoginise my deactivator(?) again? All advice appreciated, thanks!
  4. Hiya, both of my door handles are broken (again), and yes of course its the common piece thats broken. How much are your repair kits? Many thanks Joanne
  5. By shuddering I mean vibrating really roughly, like jumping about the place. It was fine again for most of yesterday but I could feel it starting again today on the way in to work. Sick at the thought of it :( Few people on other sites have said the spring on the pressure plate?? But I'll get the engine mounts checked first though, cheers everyone!!
  6. I smoked the top of my lights and also painted my calipers yellow in the last few weeks :) Smoked lights You can just barely see the calipers in this shot. I wasn't sure about the yellow first, looked a bit multi-coloured, but after spraying the lights it looked much better. Its getting there!! I need to lower her next, if I don't have to replace my clutch.
  7. Hi all, the clutch in my 16V has started shuddering badly in the past 2 days when I release it. It seems to be getting worse as was only in the lower gears first but is now in every gear. Is this something simple or do I need to get a new clutch? Thanks in advance!!!
  8. Think I pulled mine about a third of the way up. Simple job. Only problem I had was that I was missing the screw that holds the handle itself on to the door, took a while to find one just right, short stubby little thing. And yes this site is a godsend, I was waiting weeks to get someone to do it for me, looked up a section on here and decided to do it myself instead. All done in about 30 mins!
  9. This thread is the business :clap: I've been searching for black tinting spray for weeks, should finally get it at the weekend, and got some nice ideas from this thread. Still not sure whether to do just the top part, or the whole lot, but I like the idea of strips across the reverse lights. Cheers guys!! I'll throw pics up when its done.
  10. Love those wheels!! The view in ur back window looks awesome too :) she's pretty low isn't she!
  11. Very nice!! I really need to do mine, was just going to get springs though. How's the ride with the coilovers? I have a little girl who's always in the back. Would it be cruel to have her put up with coilovers? I've heard they can be uncomfortable. Those wheels you want are gorgeous!! I want I want.
  12. I got a new exhaust!! :) :) I haven't got it back yet but apparently it sounds like a dream - as opposed to the harrier jet it sounded like for the past few weeks!!!
  13. That's weird, mine is pearl grey. I really love em in white tho, think they white does extreme justice to them.
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