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Everything posted by perky15

  1. perky15

    schimmel 263s

    Yeah this isn't a group buy atm just gauging interest too see approx numbers
  2. perky15

    schimmel 263s

    Well lets try get some approx numbers? Perky25(me) Bullfinch G0ldf1ng3r Jamie Dumptyboy Any1 else
  3. Didnt make it i thought I had to be there for 9.30 which was not possible 1.5 hrs away :-(
  4. Yeah I seen it had to rewind to make sure lol Now on series link and record :-)
  5. perky15

    schimmel 263s

    I spoke to stealth they are £350+vat and £200 fitting
  6. perky15

    schimmel 263s

    I spoke to Vince yesterday he can still get them dunno how many people he needs for a group but?
  7. perky15

    schimmel 263s

    I am after a set of 263s did want a charger kit but realised that its like finding a needle in a hay stack with the money I have cheers steven
  8. couldn't we up the price a few quid to compensate? I am hoping for a set of 263s and fit my manifold be nice too see the figures and see some other cars on the rollers :-)
  9. I've just had a pm of someone who was going to sell a v1 kit for $1680 posted but he just said thT its too much hassle to send it :-(
  10. If I manage to get a 2nd hand kit from USA do I still have too pay import tax?
  11. Yeah I have been reading your thread good work. It's my daily drive so i think I would need the kit. Been on eBay loads but never find a kit for sale :-(
  12. I've got the plugs fitted and a stainless manifold in the garage ready too fit where can I get the cams from?
  13. Depending if I can get one from the states and how much I'm an engineer for BA so return flights cost me £200 max so I could fly out too collect it
  14. Yeah atm I will have around £1500 so I was thinking get a sc I would prob keep it untill I get the ££ for stealth remap Or it's a set of 263s and have money left over not sure yet
  15. Should have some cash in a few weeks looking for a 2nd hand charger kit or some 263 cams
  16. perky15

    Window rattle

    I think I got the same problem fitted some of the group buy ones to my old C but this time its rattling and the window seems to tilt forward a bit when fully up leavin a small gap in the corner so if theres any about I would be interested too :-)
  17. a bloke niki from R tech he told me to get rid off it and do something like https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/998605_10152968110880157_596697936_n.jpg
  18. I have spoken to a few vw tuners that have suggested that the bmc is s**t and I should put a normal cone filter on and make a heat shield around it like the jabba sport one that fits the g60? they said its soo restrictive they removed it of a r32 and gained 5bhp side by side with the open cone and heat shield? if anyone can shine a light on it as all the vr6 forums say bmc is one of the best?
  19. perky15

    bmc cda

    as above my mates after a bmc cda didn't want too pay £180 lol
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