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Everything posted by Swompy

  1. Just gauging how much interest there would be in a forum RR day. Will be at Ajec racing in Gloucester and will cost something like £35 for 3 runs. More cars we get the cheaper it will be. It is about 5 mins off J11 of the M5. Aiming to do this in May just waiting to hear back on what dates they have free. They have rollers for AWD cars so the AWD VRT's can have ago too :D This is their website http://ajecracing.co.uk/racing/ I was up there today with a open RR day and the guys up there are really professional and enthusiastic about their cars. Their eyes lit up when they found out a Corrado wanted a go They have a nice big TV screen so every one can see the results from each run. I'm aiming to get 20-30 cars. Here is a video of mine on the rollers So who's interested 1.Me
  2. Bit of a late heads up but there is a rooling road day at Ajec racing tomorrow. It just outside Gloucester. £35 for 3 runs. Im not going on the rollers just going to catch up with some friends. Pop along if your in the area. http://ajecracing.co.uk/racing/
  3. I painted some green but it didn't work, going to have to get some tho. Is it illegal if they ent orange?
  4. Alittle pic update today. Gave her a good clean today and stuck on some new rear lights, looking so much better [ATTACH=CONFIG]45058[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]45059[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]45060[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]45061[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]45062[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]45063[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]45064[/ATTACH]
  5. I think I just came :awesome: Love the camber on the rear :thumbleft:
  6. Thanks OZ. It does suck knowing the engine is fubar but it still runs fine like yours 30ish mpg and no oil burning. Still goes preaty well too :D
  7. What is it wil you and rims Ryan? You go through more rims than Toad :camp: Looks good tho mate. Thos brakes look rather familiar :scratch:
  8. Passed a white rado this morning at about 6.55 on the gloucester bypass that goes by gloucester quays. Only saw you at the last minute so couldn't do anything. Plus you was giving it some beans :D I was going the other way in my VR. Any one on here?
  9. An engine has been found, just waiting for it to arrive at DG, then we can hopefully get started with in the month :D
  10. Not being funny bit if its only going to be a weekend car why are you worried about it being expensive to run?
  11. Ya still driving it but not to its full potential. Just enjoying it whilst I can as it will be gone for about a month when it goes in for the new engine. No pics yet, still haven't put them on been too busy, but I'm off work next weekend so will get it all done then.
  12. Cheers Andy, will give them a call some point this week
  13. Does that mean there isnt any more?
  14. Despite having a funny heart he still insists on taking me out and making me run most of the way. Plus I am filthy and even tho he has had all day to clean me he hasn't, he just drove me up to see a girl friend of his and left me out side. So he gets all the fun. So I played up on the way back and kept turning off just to prove a point. But I hear I might be getting some new shiny bits soon :D
  15. Nice one, so if i went to VW with thos part numbers I can get the above. Any one got the part number for the metal plate then?
  16. Ahh cool, so how would I go about getting some from TPS? you need an account dont you?
  17. Beat me to it Eric, was just about to ask for the above :D
  18. Really? Are they painted or just in primer?
  19. I lost the peace of metal that covers the rear number plate light :bonk: So I am in need of another one. Preferable Dark Burgundy pearl but I know thats a long shot so a black one will do for now. And if any one has the 3 screws that hold it in place that would be even better
  20. Posting this on behalf of a friend. AS the tittle suggests, link below http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/2528740.htm
  21. I know but was just pointing out that it wasnt a bad effort despite the engine not being 100% Cant wait for the 24v engine now :D
  22. YA had a bit of fun with a 911 my self the other day. I was wooping it ass in the corners, every time he went to put the power down the back end stepped out. But as soon as we got to a straight he was right up behind me. Was a nice bit of fun Exchanged waves and went our different ways :D Not bad despite technically running on 3 cylinders
  23. Paul 9/10 Thought it was very funny, Defoe worth a watch
  24. Hmmmm I believe that might be down to the valve stem seals if I remember correctly. Gas flowed head would help sort that
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