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Everything posted by Swompy

  1. Replaced a handbrake cable. was really hard to get the clips that hold it onto the rear beam off and the freezing cold didnt help I now have a fully working hand brake :D
  2. :lol: Is it wrong that even tho I know I cant afford another car (let alone another corrado) I've started looking at rado's for sale :ignore:
  3. Is that the one in couldards garage? I know of one also in newport that never moves, Its a engine problem I heard but its got a new charger I believe. My mates also got a nugget to and my other mate just sold one Ya that would be the one. Its moves around the house. One day it will be out front then the ext round the back :shrug: Befor I got mine I had a quick peek in the window of it and looks in good shape. Might pop over there one day and knock on the door.
  4. Im shore if some one contacted the DVLA they should be able to tell you. with this freedom of information act, might be and avenue to explore :confused4:
  5. I know there is a Nugget G60 down the road from me, but I never see it driving. :( Does move but never seen it
  6. They are genuine from VW as my gf's parents got them for me as a prezy. They got them from a VW dealer, just go to the parts desk. I belive the price is £65 but I will find out for you Thee is a pic on my members thread about half way down this page http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=80469&start=195
  7. Yeah but is 'Corrado' embroided or stuck on stickers? Its embroided on
  8. Was sortting out all the documents that came with my car into a folder and found a recipt from the very fist owner. Was somthing to do with insurance around July 94 time but I know my car was registered around March 94 and on the papper it also says the car was worth £15000 at that time. Which seams strange as I thought they cost more than that new :confused4: Any ideas?
  9. Isnt that commonly know as either a Girl friend, Wife, partener ect ect ect. :lol: And some times a Rado 8)
  10. I got a set of VW one's for crimbo. £65 all in If I remember correctly Black with corrado writen on them 8)
  11. Cheers every one I cant wait to get thr fronts down now 8)
  12. Looks good eddy.h :D Glad they are arriving ok
  13. Big thanks to Graham at DG for fitting my rear brakes especialy in the freezing cold :notworthy: Also a big thanks to Drew for the rear calipers :grin: Before Trying to removed rounded off bolt on the carrier :nuts: This is the state the discs were in :shock: Ooooooh Shiney :nuts: And final result Can all ready feel the braking inproved even tho its not bedded in properly Cant wait to get the fronts done now
  14. Good glad they got there ok :clap:
  15. I've got a simalar problem on my C I think it is the handbrake mechanisms on the back of the calipers not releasing propperly, which is casuing the brakes to stay on slightly. Kind of ironic realy as my hand brake is crap :lol: http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=88265 I'm off to DG autoteck tomoro morning to change the whole rear brake assebaly 8)
  16. Finaly getting my brakes sorted tomorrow :clap: So if any one sees me limping up the m5 to DG Auto that will be me :D
  17. No problem sorry for the delay at the start
  18. My dad nearly took out a silver Corrado (not shore of flavour) yesterday at about 5pm at a roundabout at the top of bath. So if you was nearly took out by a blue mazda 3 then I appologise for him :lol: :brickwall:
  19. Thanks every one, glad you all like them. But I must be honist I had help from the mother in writing the addresses out as my hand writing is shocking. :D
  20. No problem Glad you all like them Now get some pics up of where you have them 8) :lol:
  21. Mine does that usaly around the 2 - 2.5K range I think its the heat shield around the zorst where it goes over the rear beam, might be worth checking that.
  22. Ta will getyours and who ever els replys tonight in the post tomoro afternoon :D
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