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Everything posted by malk

  1. Been neglecting the Corrado recently and need to get it back sorted. The water temp indicator seems to be playing up and I need to know what needs replacing. Is there a sensor that connects to the expansion tank or on the tank itself? I also think the heater matrix might be on its way out. Hot air from the heaters only comes out once in a blue moon but could that be to do with air in the system? I'm thinking I might just get it all done at once. I.e. replace all the sensors, the matrix and was thinking about swapping the expansion tank for a mk4 one but apparently that only works for VR6s. Any advice would be appreciated especially if a few part numbers could be thrown my way. The car is a 1990 1.8 16v. Cheers, Malc.
  2. Hi, The rubber gasket on my driver door handle seems to have perished and basically gone to hell. Would I be able to order this part individually? If so a part number would be appreciated. If not... help! Cheers, Malc.
  3. malk

    1990 1.8 16V

    Shockingly enough another whinge from me without any new pictures! The windows have packed in again and in comedy fashion decided to do so when the passenger side was open just a crack. That's currently sorted with gaffa tape so obviously needs looking at sharpish. Also the coolant system is giving me some grief too. Passenger footwell is damp so I'm thinking the matrix might have gone, could be from the window but since the seat isn't damp I'm thinking it's not from there. The water temp. warning light is coming on but the needle doesn't always move. Oil temperature is fine according to the MFA so I'm thinking there is a sensor gone there too. The heater is generally only cold but will have a bash at hot once in a while. I reckon sod it all, get new sensors, matrix and new coolant all in one go. Recommendations of other things to be getting on with whilst this is being done would be gratefully received! Oh and the steering is generating a whine so the belt needs a play with and then there's all the interior and bodywork stuff that I'm not considering until the internals are sorted. Happy days!
  4. Cheers to shaung60 for the alternator and the communication thoughout.
  5. malk

    1990 1.8 16V

    Pah, the slave and quite possibly the master cylinders need replacing now. Are second hand ones a good option? Do they vary from model to model or can I get pretty much any one? Can't wait to actually get some miles done in it!
  6. malk

    1990 1.8 16V

    Ignition switch is now replaced so it goes once more... hurrah. Coolant level is fine and the warning light still acts up so methinks a sensor is buggered. My mechanic reckons it's a sensor in the engine coolant bottle so maybe replacing that would sort it? Need to get a pic up at some point of the wires going into the water jacket on the engine. Definitely some bodging there that I'd like some info on for my own piece of mind. Seems like I might have an option or two interior wise from folks on here so once I make my mind up that will be on the cards, I can be quite indecisive. It'll give me a chance to grease up the window mechanism when I fit it which will help their laboured running. After that I'll be taking it to have the bodywork looked at and hopefully to get the little bits here and there sorted... oh and actually using it as a daily from this Monday! Should be interesting. Do feel a bit of a tit posting this after reading through some of the other threads knocking around. Feel pretty insignificant in comparison!
  7. malk

    1990 1.8 16V

    Continual flashing indicates low level as well as overheating. I assume you plugged the sensor back in? Yup plugged it back in. Any particular recommendation for the coolant?
  8. malk

    1990 1.8 16V

    In fairness they were both a long bloody way away from me! VR6 are very tempting though.
  9. malk

    1990 1.8 16V

    Cheers. Feel like a right numpty looking at it now, it's so bloody obvious! Glad I checked though, the coolant is pretty low so that'll be getting a top up. The engine is starting again too when I give the key a good amount of pressure when I turn it. More evidence to the ignition switch I reckon. Temperature warning light still likes a flash though. Three weeks to go before I need it as a reliable daily...
  10. malk

    1990 1.8 16V

    hi, your corrado looks like mine when i started, a fresh coat of paint and new seats should sort it out! theirs two wires coming from the coolent bottle plug one is brown the other is blue/yellow, they head off over the coil the blue/yellow is the closest wire. Sorry mate I don't follow at all! Could you explain like you would to a child please!
  11. malk

    1990 1.8 16V

    Tried the whole wiggling malarky but it doesn't seem to help. Have got it to start up a couple of times in the past hour so I'm mow decently confident it's due to the comedy wiring. Pics to illustrate climatronic wiring-Golf from May 01.pdfDSCF5420.JPG[/attachment:3mz59s9o] 2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfDSCF5421.JPG[/attachment:3mz59s9o] DSCF5422.JPG[/attachment:3mz59s9o] Let the fun and games begin.
  12. malk

    1990 1.8 16V

    Took the missus off to the Trafford Centre for a spot of shopping yesterday and all was well. Today is another matter it seems! Getting nothing when I turn the ignition. Well, all the electrics are working, battery and handbrake light are on and the temperature warning light (I presume) flashes about eight times. Doesn't even attempt to turn over though. There are some bits of dodgy wiring in the engine bay held together with electrical tape so I'm guessing it's them but it could be the ignition switch or starter motor right? I guess the other option could be the immobiliser? Still looking for an interior for it too but it's a little less pressing... not that I wouldn't jump on one that came available! Once that is sorted (the doorcards in particular) I can look at getting some kind of stereo in there and some working speakers! I miss my five live in the morning and a spot of DAB for sports extra would go down a treat! Any help on the above gratefully received.
  13. malk

    1990 1.8 16V

    Hijack away! Just let me know the details and we'll get to working something out.
  14. malk

    1990 1.8 16V

    Well the car is still in the garage, central locking has been sorted but there is apparently an engine overheating sensor that's playing up... and they don't know which one. It could be one of five and the specialist they called couldn't help them. Should be sorted soon though and everything else has been given the thumbs up so all is good. Looking forward to getting it back and starting on the other jobs. The seats are a priority and then it's getting it nicely alarmed and stereod. After that I'll start to have a little think about the bodywork touched up, if the lacquer can be sorted as suggested below I'll be pretty happy. Mainly just need to get it back on the drive though. With my watch awaiting repairs and car in the shop I feel all naked! EDIT: Me being lazy here but if anyone could give me a quick overview (or links) about what interior I need to replace my ratty drivers seat and door card I'd be all kinds of grateful. At the moment I reckon I'll just go for an "early" of both but if it isn't difficult to fit "late" versions it'll make my search easier! Cheers!
  15. malk

    1990 1.8 16V

    Ok some more pictures: stromlaufplan_gamma4.pdfDSCF5395.JPG[/attachment:1bsvnbb3] ETKA Corrado.pdfDSCF5396.JPG[/attachment:1bsvnbb3] stromlaufplan_gamma4.pdfDSCF5397.JPG[/attachment:1bsvnbb3] Corrado92.pdfDSCF5398.JPG[/attachment:1bsvnbb3] passat climatronic wiring diags.pdfDSCF5399.JPG[/attachment:1bsvnbb3] climatronic wiring-Golf from May 01.pdfDSCF5400.JPG[/attachment:1bsvnbb3] 2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfDSCF5401.JPG[/attachment:1bsvnbb3] DSCF5402.JPG[/attachment:1bsvnbb3] Warts and all from close up!
  16. malk

    1990 1.8 16V

    Cheers all for the advice! The paint is a distant dream (if ever) just thought the technique seemed really interesting! I'll get some pics of the worst bits up tomorrow and we'll see what people think. With the passenger central locking, it does make an odd sucking sound when the locking has been activated so I wouldn't be surprised to find out a hose has come loose. Is this just a case of reconnecting the bugger or will more playing about be required. @renson, I may well be interested in the covers. There's a big chunk of the foam missing which I'll be bodging back with some upholsterers foam before I decide what to do. In the end I think another seat is the answer as it isn't in good shape at all but something to tide me over would be great.
  17. malk

    1990 1.8 16V

    Like I said, once you get up close you can really see the imperfections in the colour. Plus, once I get a pic of the massive tear in the drivers seat you'll get the picture. Still only a couple of spots of rust from a rudimentary inspection seems pretty good. We'll see what it looks like after I give it a full wash, t-cut, wash, polish. Apart from that I want to get the interior into decent shape and get everything working nicely. As a complete rookie I first need to work out what the baseline is. Apart from the passenger door not being part of the central locking and the window also having packed in (it was clunky as it closed from the start) the electrics all work fine but the window(s) move really slowly. I don't know whether this is just 19 year old electrics or if they need playing with. First up is taking it in to be serviced and looked over by someone who knows what they're doing! I know a good mechanic so it'll give me the piece of mind to go at the rest at my own pace. First up will be the things I mentioned before, sorting the drivers seat and handle and sorting the electric window. After that I'd like a DAB stereo etc and getting a good alarm and immobiliser that also make the central locking remote would be good. Once that is all sorted I'd be tempted to look at the paint. A respray is out of the question but I'm not shy of getting my hands dirty and have been reading with interest doing something with rustoleum and rollers! In all honesty the t-cut and polish will no doubt be perfectly good enough but a faintly ridiculous big job is appealing! If anyone else has any ideas or tips they would be gratefully received.
  18. Well, this is my new, and first, Corrado. climatronic wiring-Golf from May 01.pdfDSCF5392.JPG[/attachment:3rwbyko6] 2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfDSCF5393.JPG[/attachment:3rwbyko6] DSCF5394.JPG[/attachment:3rwbyko6] It looks a damn sight better from these pictures than it does up close so I'll be adding some of it warts and all soon. Then you get the pleasure of me pestering all and sundry with questions of what I need to do to get it into shape! Just need to sort out the loose drivers door handle, the knackered drivers seat, the rust spot on the dirvers door and wing, the generally tatty paintwork needs a t-cut and polish, the lacquer coming off the doors, the passenger electric window that has just stopped working, the stereo could do with some work and the sigma alarm and immobiliser that were fitted in '99 have a manual but don't seem to do anything... and that's pretty much it! Hurrah for buying a car unseen on ebay, already had my first RAC call out after it completely cut out on the M6 after the alternator decided to pack in. Fortunately it was just the controller so £23.50 later I was back up and running. The good news is it has only done 78,000 miles which is nice and is doing well for rust. More to follow!
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