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g60 supercharger

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About g60 supercharger

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  1. what amp are the alternators in a g60 corrado k reg does it matter if it the right one thanks andy
  2. hi i've got a c g60 and want to detcat it, like to know if theres a certain one i should be lookin for i heard some of them havin lambda probe boss? thanks for help. andy
  3. hi guys just want to know wat u guys think bout these two car i was thinkin tt roadster or the s3 defo want quattro :grin: but i've heard bad stuff bout the tt but this can be fixed with some mods right? thanks andy
  4. hi okay it started last week when i was on the motorway it just cut out will i was doing bout 70 i still had lights on? i try to start it it would'nt and then tired to jump it still would'nt after slowin down to bout 40 it just stated?? its happened a few times but only for a second then it comes back on? yestheday it happened again but it would'nt start up again got it towed to the garage and they have no idea whats wrong with it? apparley theres no power going to the coil they think theres somthing wrong with the imoboliser? some please help me :cry:
  5. hi just want some of your views on changing the front end to one of those big grills from like a s3 o6reg, has anyone done it before? i'm trying to imangin it but its kinda hard is it possable to do this in photoshop? thanks for views and coments cheers andy
  6. hi can any 1 answer my last question its will i need the ecu and loom of the new engine to put in my car? its just cause guys selling engine without ecu and loom, is it just as easy to use my one on the car now? thanks alot andy
  7. hi lots of info here :salute: i'm very intrested in changing my box to the ctn but 1 qestion do i have to change the clutch thanks andy
  8. but what where can i get info about the final drive and all that..? cheers and
  9. hi very intresting thread :salute: i need a little help i've being thinking of get a cnt deisel gearbox for my g60 its cause i want to have a longer 1st and 2nd gear and i want to be able to hit 60 in 2nd will it be a gd idea? is there some sort of thing u can work out what u will get out of each gear?? thanks for help andy
  10. what about the ecu and things like that? cheers thanks for ur help andy
  11. hi i thinkin of changing my engine it blown at the monent i've seen a g60 engine for sale just like to know would it be a stright fit? are there different engine codes? the engine coming from another corrado just to let u know. thanks for help drew
  12. hi I'm thinking of converting my c g60 into a 20v but what acture parts will i need? some1 selling there engine setup for £500 is that cheap? thanks for the help.
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