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Everything posted by powhound84

  1. unless you carry passengers about. dotn even worry about the 6x9's. take em out and sell em. and dont forget the miracle of dynamat
  2. finally soemthing i understand. im an installerw/ a high end audio company. if u want simple.. good sound.. w/ no extra amps for your components.. mbquart reference awesoem drivers german made too :D if your pshin a lot of power, mbquart premiums, the alpine flagships are awesome too. focal poly=k's and utopias rock. oh.. and that x-plod sub. sell it. jlaudio. onyl sub worht buying. itl pund the gorund,a dn sound natural at the same time.
  3. well that doesnt soudn too bad. sounds like i found myself a C then. thanks guys
  4. well im not english.... so.... *** off or whatever you people say
  5. I AM CNSIDERIGN THSI CAR.. 92 SLC... 80K. $7200 AMERICAN. seem sliek a rpetty good deal seeign a show its in stock condition and has leather. but i hear that 92slc's have problems. perhaps thats why i see so many for sale, and the 93+'s are so damned expensive? cna anyone confirm or deny this rumor? an dif they do have probs, what are they? are they easily fixed on a limited budget?
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